I LOVE 1/3/2. I cant go back

As a 1200hr mercy main, i ADORE this SO MUCH. There’s absolutely no way I could go back to 222.
The game actually feels action packed again.
222 has 0 action.
Im tired of being shackled to my tanks side regardless of wether im healer or dps.
Im tired of stare downs and poke fests.
Im SO tired of Every. Single. Hero. Playing EXACTLY the same.
222 killed every single unique playstyle thats ever been created before 222. Now everyone is reduced to a spectator. It puts me to sleep in GM level games, and I can’t remember the last time Ive felt adrenaline playing this game.
We never got rid of goats with 222.
Now we just play every single role like it was goats.
No matter what combination of heroes you pick, you always end up playing as a clump with your team. All within melee range of one another.
222 doesnt require you to have the amount of individual skill 1/3/2 does.
222 you can absolutely get by just by sticking together, and being half awake.
Its pathetic. I was addicted to the adrenaline this game always gave me for 3 years. But then 222 was added, and it all died for me. I even liked it in the beginning, but it just, kept, declining. My energy and care declined. Every single game was played too similarly. It feels like every 222 game is the same thing. Over. And over.
Please. Keep 1/3/2. This game NEEDS that adrenaline boost. It needs to feel like an ACTION game that its marketed as.
I could barely play 222 as it was and i quit the game last month. But now, after 1/3/2, i really cant go back.
Please keep this. Let tanks be the sole hero, make their kits individual and fun.
Let supports have more skills than just “stand next to tank. Pump heals into tank. Stay in cover or throw.”
And all dps are played EXACTLY the same. Their just middle of the pack pokers. Its pathetic and boring.
Please keep 1/3/2.


AGREEEEEEEE 9characters


Yeah! The tank buffs that should already go into the game!


Of course you’re going to like 1-3-2 as a Mercy one trick, she’s the only support that it doesn’t feel like pulling teeth to play

And I guess forget the people who wanted to play more than 2 viable tanks; Roadhog, D.va, Orisa, Sigma, Hammond, and Winston are all weak to worthless


this is still fixable, i mean

i’m not hopeful
but it could be fixed


They would need to do a huge sweeping change on supports and DPS for most of the tanks to not be pretty much stopped or negated

Like McCree has everything in his kit to solo stop a team with a Roadhog or D.va


Dva seems pretty damn good.
And I wouldnt exactly describe tank variety in 2-2-2 as looking great right now. Unless you’re a huge Rein fan.


D.va is only good if the enemy team doesn’t run a Sniper, Mei, and/ or Zarya

Since DM is only up for 4 seconds, and D.va has such a huge crit-box it is VERY easy to just delete her mech with Widow/ Hanzo, and mix that with how D.va is pretty bad at peeling for Ana, that doesn’t really leave you with much to keep the mech alive

And the 2-2-2 problem is because they overnerfed Orisa, Sigma, and Baptiste. They desperately need buffs




just, highly unlikely

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I could not disagree more. As a tank main, this game mode is 100 percent garbage. While I respect the devs for TRYING it out, like they said, this is something that I 100 percent will not be playing any longer, and do not see this going anywhere very quickly.


I also play Moira. And lucio. And brig. And theyre all a blast to play in 1/3/2. So my opinion doesn’t change.
No supports need changed in 1/3/2. Theyre literally the least problematic of all the roles in this mode.
Tanks just need to be polished out.
The fact that 1/3/2 is already better than 222 says ALOT.


I mean they had the chance to do it here, even with just number tweaks for them, but nothing was done

Hell, the Orisa “buff” was literally only putting her barrier back to what it was when she was ran with Roadhog, and they expect her to SOLO tank with that? Fortify and her damage are still LOWER than when she NEEDED a second tank with her lol

If they wanted to sell the idea to us, they needed to go all out on it


Ah, yes. The “youre a mercy main so youre stupid” thing.
Really makes me think you’re intelligent.


It’s a chaotic mess without a lot of team play. I suppose you could call that action packed, but I wouldn’t call it something good for you know, comp.


Even Zarya, who’s the next best tank after Rein, starts becoming pretty worthless because your supports are huddled behind you while your DPS have all went on flanking adventures which does nothing since Zarya works best slightly behind her team.


Well to you maybe, but that’s not the reality for others.


As a nearly 1000 hour Mercy main on my main account. I couldn’t agree less. It’s awful. Even on Mercy I cannot sustain stupid if your dps even falter by 1 it’s a nightmare. There’s nothing enjoyable about zipping back and forth while nothing dies because low and behold about 70% of the dps player base couldn’t hit water while in a lake.


Nobody said that. This mode is “easier” for Mercy than other healers, like Zen or Ana. As Mercy, I have to constantly be with them to not be annihilated by the enemy team.

It’s simply not viable. The only way this can work is to make some changes to balance not only tanks, but healers too.


All I can say as far as other commenters is, chill guys, it’s an opinion, we’re all entitled to our own, no one is right or wrong for how they feel.

As for me, I remember what it was like before 2-2-2 enforcement, and when I had to tank for it, it was an absolute nightmare. While sure it may be fun for a healer to go off healing some DPS out in the wilderness, the tank is generally stuck probably being healed by a zen or ana solo, while getting pummeled to death because allied dps though being healed, couldn’t kill a beached whale.

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Ah, the guy I replied to, literally said that. But alright.
“You dont need to be a genius to figure what im implying here… but then again you are a mercy main so.”

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