I lost my "Terminator top 500" title

I lost my title of “Terminator top 500” that I won in the 5th season, I lost it in the 6th season and until now they haven’t fixed it.

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Unfortunately, this is not a bug as competitive titles are designed to be seasonal and expire the season after they are awarded, or the second season after the one where it was earned. To take this season for example, players are still competing to earn Top 500 rewards for Season 7, Season 6 rewards are currently in use, and Season 5 rewards are now expired. My guess is that the Devs wanted to incentivize competitive play through seasonal rewards. Unfortunately, the seasons are not the gamemode’s season but rather the battlepass seasons, so they will always expire after nine weeks. I wish it was not the case but it doesn’t seem the Devs are going to change their minds any time soon. I hope this helps.

Please do check out the competitive bugs megathread if you have other issues regarding competitive: