I live in NA but got put into SA servers how do I get back?

It smells like a BGP routing issue to me, but I’ve only administrated networks professionally for the past 10 years. I’d mention something about it here but I know it won’t go any further than the post. I still believe in you Blizzard, I still believe in Overwatch it just FeelsBadMan.

They’ve already identified it as an issue with NTT, which they talk about in the thread I linked.

nah that guy explaining why the people in Australia getting put on the wrong server is not the case. I’ve played through multiple updates and have had no problem like this before. It’s not my ISP or whatever else stupid excuse blizzard comes up with. It’s on their end not mine.

@nicole. i’ve actually called NTT and talked to them and got info from them. Blizzard is using something called low bouncing to connect people to servers. which is severely inefficient. until they stop or add a menu to pick your server on log in, it won’t be fixed.

Well they’re going to have server maintenance on Monday. So maybe they’ll address the issue and fix it but who knows, this is Blizzard we are talking about

Its obvious what Overwatch did, read the patch notes for the summer event. They did some server optimization and tracking in the patch, they obviously messed up the server route optimization. So even though you select NA server, it thinks for what ever reason you should be on the SA server, and nothing you do is going to change that. So your ISP routes you to that server which gives you insane lag and cuts you off of LFG. Bliz needs to at least acknowledge that this is their problem and that they are working on it. Because right now the only thing I have seen them say about it is “we think its a traffic jam with your ISP”. If your network/server team truly thinks that then fire them all, I can do much better by myself.

My experience has been a little different. I do ,more often than not, get connected to a server that is suboptimal, but it changes for me, almost, with each match. I check the server at the beginning of each match, but by now I can tell which server I’m connected to just by my ping lol. It is a real bummer since the event is going on. Oh well.

Don’t they already do that with the server select on the origin launcher? There has to be some optimazation rule they created like “if user has so much ping switch to SA server”

My latency tends to go high when entering maps and such, then levels out. I’m guessing that’s why it stupidly thinks, “Oh, his ping when he first starts is high so that’s what his ping will always be. Let’s put him where his ping is lowest now instead of where it’s going to be lowest when it normalizes.” At least I’m guessing that’s one of the issues.