I learned to be good at praying now

Honestly, around 60% of my matches is determined which got the better smurf, or is the smurf in his SR bracket or not.

If i wanted to learn how to be better at praying, i would have gone to a praying house rather then sitting in front of my computer and hoping that the red Widow is worse then the blue widow, which ofc are both smurfs.

2 out of 10 games are rly competitive, with similar ranked players…

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Uh… If they’re in their bracket then they’re not a smurf…


U dont know at the start of the game if they are or not…hence the satirical part of my text.

Wait this threads satire?

Your reading comprehension isnt the strongest i assume?

Oh I comprehended the thread well enough :wink:

Damn those smurfs in their proper brackets :laughing:


I gave u heart, because unlike me, u take it with humor. Games been rough the last 2 days, and i just want play against ppl in my trash ranks rather then facing unwinable matches.