I know people aren't going to believe me

But I am not lying. I play tank mostly at diamond but lately been hard stuck in plat and here is why. Last 10 games, won 1 in 10, despite having gold damage and elims in I kid you not 6 out of the 10 games…

c’mon man, like wtf is going on? I know people say oh it’s just bad luck but no, there is seriously something fishy going on with the competitive algorithms in match making…


everyone has losing streaks bruh, i have an extra j for you, itll help


Losing streaks and winning streaks were mathematically predicted by one of the creators of the ow comp system. It occurs when match quality of the system falls below a certain threshold.

I believe you can break it by lowering your mmr dramatically. Not sure how to change that except if you lose a game your suppose to win. Try playing a character you don’t normally play?


Do you play Rein…? I bet you play Rein.

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I play tank mostly in GM.

In my experience, a low ranked tank has gold damage and elims when they aren’t tanking, and are letting their teammates die without being able to get value.

Who cares if a tank has gold damage?

You’re a tank. Damage is hardly even secondary to your objective.


Medals are not value.
Get value and you win more

I too can spam tanks as tracer
Ez gold medals
0 value 0 impact

But dude i have 70% accuracy :sweat_smile:


I think this statement is highly debatable as a lot of people, even in this forum, prefer and recommend highly aggressive, proactive tanks that “press W”.

I think it mostly depends on your playstyle and the playstyle of your team mates. Some need that cover and others are always far out on mad flanks.


I’m not talking about aggression.

Aggression is good. Low ranked tanks tend to either be very passive, never making space - or incredibly aggressive, and just feed.

That’s somewhat distinct from actually being a good tank though.

It’s easy to get gold medals as tank - you have a lot of health, huge damage potential, and often the majority of the focus from your team’s healers.

It’s especially easy if you’re being too aggressive and not keeping space for your DPS. If the DPS are dead, who’s going to contest your gold damage?

Tanking is about tanking, not dealing damage. Being aggressive doesn’t require you actually deal damage, part of tanking is that the enemy team is afraid of your potential. You create space with your cooldowns, your damage, your health bar, and your presence.

You also need to know when not to be aggressive, so that you can waste the enemy team’s resource and keep a position that enables your DPS. It’s a balancing act.


We can agree on that.

But especially in lower ranks, the space you provide as a tank often remains unused. It’s actually hilarious and absolutely frustrating at the same time to watch your teammates walk right in front of your shield and die unnecessarily.

Or when you make a big push with your whole team, and seconds later you’re the only one left standing on point, while your team just disappeared. They didn’t even die, but they’re suddenly randomly scattered around the map.

At this point, most tanks switch to either double off-tank or only use their shields for themselves.

Here is exactly what’s going on. They see you coming and they know what you are going to do before you do.

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Both diamond and plat are neighbor elo, there is no point to differentiate that much, unless you are GM and hard stuck in plat or gold, for instance.


Pretty sure there are bigger problems if this is the case…


Well, if you are an actual GM, you might struggle in some games, but not that much, your win rates should be 65-90% there nowadays, but back in days, it used to be over 80% stable during solo-climb, having gm skill already. So yeah, lack of player base, smurfs vs smurfs, ppl not trying and stuff like that is more prevail now, which make it harder to solo-cary games.


The worst thing you can do is perform well and lose. Once you’re stuck in those games you either need to hard throw for 2-3 matches or pop off and carry your entire team to victory.

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Only the hardcore are left playing. The diamonds of yesteryear are now plat. The plats are now gold. So forget about rank and don’t think you are better than those playing in the same game as you will just make more mistakes.

Alternatively, losing streaks are often followed by winning streaks.


the game is 100% rigged via several patents.
you can’t link them here or you’ll get silenced for months.
it’s a fake sham and they will rig at the matchmaker level (mmr) as well as in-game (dda) for games to be as close and inclusive as possible. because fairness isn’t fair unless everyone is represented and gets a turn with ez hitboxes ez games etc.

it’s not a skill-based meritocracy it’s a churn/engagement one. if you play overwatch once a month with casual friends, they want u to have a gud time. so they cherry-picked lobbies and change params in-game.

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If you have reached mid diamond before in a solo Q, plat will never be an issue.


reached on wut tho? freshie accnt made in 2020 or something u got 30 golden guns with in 2017-18? u kno it’s 17 min queues in bronze even if u r dia skill it will take soon ™ amounts of time to climb.

how is that worth anything? reset it already and blacklist the existing creators they’re washed.

I have a lot of problems with this statement. Please explain how having medals even remotely reveal a players playstyle and rank with no other information?

How are you GM yet you think this way? Zarya is literally a dps with extra health and bubbles. A Zarya with no charge and no elims might as well be afk or just feeding.

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Experience and intuition.

Bad tanks don’t make space, so DPS die. Bad tanks staggers and stays in the fight for too long because they’re getting pocketed. Bad tank deals a lot of damage, but never really accomplishes anything.

Bad tank then cries that they have gold damage, but nothing is happening. It’s a tale as old as the game.

Funnily enough, I’m a GM Zarya main.

Dealing damage as Zarya follows being a good tank as Zarya. You don’t be a good tank by dealing damage though.

Hope that clears things up.