I just want to be in Diamond

I have over 1000 hours on this game and still haven’t hit diamond once. I have two friends who used to play the game who got to diamond so quickly and it gets me so confused. I play Doomfist primarily, but I sometimes drift off to other heroes because I think they might be better in the situation. I understand that Doomfist isn’t in the best spot right now when it comes to balance, but one of those two friends LITERALLY ONE TRICKED GENJI. I have asked for advice many times but it never worked out. I also watch some high-level players like ZBRA and ChipSa.

Another thing that gets me SOOOOOO frustrated is how I normally will go on a massive win streak and almost get to diamond, but then it is followed by a massive losing streak to make me go right back where I started. I. Don’t. Get. It.

If someone can give some help that would be really nice. Here is a replay code:

Loss- Watchpoint Gibraltar 02Y51W


eh nanoblade is an almost guaranteed fight win in plat. you can definitely climb to diamond just being a blade bot and harassing supports.

Doomfist is a bad hero to one trick because he has no purpose. He’s just a hero made for fun but adds nothing to the game that another hero can do better.


Best way to get to diamond is to stop playing after a couple losses go play arcade or something your triggered or everyone else on that day is bad or ur having an off day who knows but clearly the best way to go up is to limit loss play


I’m still losing and haven’t won in two days
Team is now blaming me.

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Both Doomfist and Genji extremely easy to get into diamond

get to diamond, but then it is followed by a massive losing streak to make me go right back where I started. I. Don’t. Get. It.

It means youre not worthy of facing real diamond players, you become nervous, tilted, not mechanically stable enough.

If someone can give some help that would be really nice.

Avoid tilt at all cost.


You’re probably not doing a lot.

Because you’re inconsistent in performance. If you went down maybe 600 or 700 SR, you’d find the games “almost” impossible to lose (tank diff. Notwithstanding).

When you’re playing near your peek performance you simply can’t make good decisions and mechanically out-perform your peers.

You need more practice.

You won’t stop losing until you bottom out in inconsistency. IE you need to hard carry to win….

Because when you’re supported with proper teamwork, doomfist gets a lot of value. When you’re not, it’s up to you to figure out how to win the game.

If you insist on OTP’ing…. GLHF.

If you really wanna play Overwatch, swap heroes when you’re getting dumpstered.

Pretty much….


Ye I coincidentally start losing 90% of my games once my winrate gets to 65-70%. Also coincidentally a hardstuck high lvl throwing every single match. This stops when my winrate gets to about 40% and then I start getting normal matches again.


Also dont want chipsa. Guy is whiny and blames everything but himself which can translate to you also developping those bad habits if you admire him.


I finally reached diamond on DPS by playing junkrat.
But I’m on console where you can play characters like junkrat or reaper braindead to a certain point then the hitscan will just dominate you.

You might be doing something wrong and not realizing it. Try to find someone to review your games.

You kinda need to master some other dps beside doom, for example, genji,hanzo, or hitscans. Doom is strong when the enemy dont try to counter you, when they do focus on you, its really hard to get much value. So you need to able to play different types of dps, and know when do you need switch.


stop worrying about where you are.

two simple things to climb are, learn the game, notice enemy mistakes and punish them, and rewatch your own gameplay to avoid mistakes you made in the future

climbin happens on its own then

oh and it takes time, a lot of time

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genji counters everything though…why should i swap?


Stop playing after your first loss. I know it’s just a video game and this sounds silly, but if you continue after your first loss, not only are you salty, but you’re also burnt out.

I’ll have a look later at code but from the sounds of it your getting tilted because you’ve played for 1000 hr and see your friends in diamond and seem to imply you should be in diamond. That’s not how it works.

playing widow on attack, overall in 4 mins you had 4 picks and two were rezzed, and had 3 deaths. your team couldn’t capitalize on the few picks you had and you seemed preoccupied with the enemy widow. at ~9:30 you might have been able to take a shot at mercy but didn’t seem to notice her because you were waiting for the widow to jump into your crosshair. generally you did very little damage to the rest of the team, save for one pick on the mercy.

also, the last fight as cree, you got a first pick on the mercy which was huge. but monkey was bullying your fist away from the fight and you left to go help, leaving your team down a man in the main when you had the advantage. you didn’t finish the kill on the monkey and fist died anyways, and when you came back to the fight widow had taken position behind your team and got a couple kills including you. you either needed to stay and finish the kill on monkey so fist could come back to the fight, or better i think if you had pressured the widow more and stayed in the fight you might have been able to finish first and then had a reasonable chance to win, since they didn’t finish second and would have been staggered.

your doom seemed good on defense, but i am not so good on doom. you got in for quick picks and got out clean. you know who are your priority targets but maybe just need to be more aware of what else is happening in the team fight in addition to getting to the backline.

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ive spent more time in diamond than any rank put together. ive only been able to get masters until about sept 2019.
3000 is the barrier and thats the top 13%
so much of diamonds playerbase are people that climbed out of plat but are still crabs in a bucket. 3000-3100 is another pit of elo hell. trust me as soon as you get out of that youll see that diamond is where the quality of matches changes a lot.
as soon as youre 3300 it tapers off to the top 5%
by the time youre 3500 youre the top 3% of the game.
its sweaty and its filled with people who think that just because they beat the curve that they are suddenly hot stuff. its a rank with all kinds of players with key problems that are indeed better than average but lacking somewhere specific.
all aims no brains, all brains no aims, shot callers but making wrong calls, the list goes on. my issue was being a huge risk taking feeder that would net 2 or more kills or 1st death in a teamfight.
its a wacky rank but its where overwatch starts having structure.

just play overpowered hero’s and duo with a “good friend” thank me later. this game’s mmr is one of the worst you will ever find. Legit wait for overwatch to go on sale, wait for them to release a new hero practice said new hero on old account as soon as it releases then once comp is open for them jump in you will instntly be diamond + if not yeah just duo with a good player with high sr on a new account and youll get placed super high as well :D.

dont take this match maker to heart because it’s garbo <3 and loads of people know it and why people prefer to scrim over deal with ladders coin flip and blizzards slow steps towards fixing it.

Hours played is not an indicator of skill.

I’ll break it down for you, they’re better than you.

Um… :wink:

Comp rank is not a right. It’s a numeric value of where you’re matched versus other people that play the same hero.

If you can’t hit diamond with Doom, then you’re not playing Doom at Diamond standard.

Rather than make long posts to have people like me explain the obvious, spend your time researching how to play Doom better.

Good luck. :slight_smile:

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Back in season 25 or maybe it was season 23 it took me some ungodly amount of time to reach diamond despite being on fire an enormous amount of time in every game. It was evident that I belonged in diamond given my stats. High amount of eliminations per 10 and so on. Yet the game kept me in platinum for ages. So it could be a simple case of he doesn’t have the time to grind past the algorithmic handicapping.