I just left my first match ever. Feels good

5 dps and me stuck healing the lot of them. Every player trolling the others and acting like they’re the best player in the room because their profiles are hidden.

I don’t come to play competitive to play deathmatch and I certainly don’t show up to deal with squabbling morons.

I hope I get permanently banned because this crap is out of control.


Edit: The worst part is that because I’ve never done this before I can join queue for another competitive game if I want. Brilliant system, Blizzard! Really taught me a lesson here!


I’ll admit I may have done this once or twice during my lengthy career of overwatch. It’s like a symbolic white flag of surrender to the matchmaker. Come back after your 10min ban and the game usually does seem to have a little bit of mercy on your troubled soul.

I’m not talking about games where you get snowballed after one bad team fight. I’m talking games where your team is playing a DPS-only version of mystery heroes while the payload hasn’t moved 20cm from its starting point after 3 minutes.


Dps slots should be limited to 3 max. There is also enough dps that they could hero ban dps. That would make all the casual dps and one tricks to stick to qp where they belong. Remove golden guns as well.


Just go Zen. I’ve actually won a lot of games that way since you have a ton of dmg.

Going zen especially if you call stuff out allows the 5 dpsers to actually focus on something and it also amplifies an already enormous amount of damage your team has going for it. The poor enemy team rein never has a barrier because of the all dmg. He gets discorded and dies immediately. 5 dps not as bad as it sounds really.

If people go 5 dps and they are bad at their characters you are screwed but if they are all playing their mains you might be ok. I mean are they tilted and throwing or they just dps mains or is it a combination of the two. Depending on which of those things is occurring will probably determine the game.


There is nothing to discuss. Blizzard gave you tools to control who you get grouped with, it’s your own fault for not using it.

And you will get perma banned from comp soon enough if you keep leaving, so you’ll get your request don’t worry.


Have you ever tried to use group finder at 4am CST? You can sit for an hour trying to fill 6 slots.

Well first of all don’t use LFG for finding 6 stacks. That’s a recipe for disaster. It’s just a glorified solo queue that way. Use it to find a solid duo or trio partner.

Second, if you leave, they win. Have a hero that you go when you throw in the towel and you don’t care about the stats on. (For me it’s Genji). Then, when stuff like this happens, just switch to that hero and do your “best”.


If I leave, I take a long break, screw even trying to assist a team that isn’t in it to win it. Enough is enough with the stress of having to play around more idiots than I have patience for.

I have never left a fight, and i have changed a loss game to a win with an ult… so until it is gone you never know what will happen; I understand how it feels to be paired with noobs, i get them constantly. I train every day 1h and play1 or more hours. then i got noobs that i have to carry to climb up, i dont get a skilled player most of times, but i dont like to leave, sometimes the coins flips i have seen it many times and from the other side i do know what feels like to have a leaver as i have had…

And the irony of his response is it appears he barely plays this game, just spends his time on the forums. Quoting orange posts must equal experience.

Just use LFG 4Head
This is at 8pm EST lol.
Game is not dying btw.

I dont understand the correlation between LFG and game dying, could you elaborate?

How is this showing it is dead? You have groups filled and leaving. Ie very recently in it. So go open up your own or wait a lil longer.

Notice how many of those are comp groups? Literally 0.
Plus I just had a game with a ~3900 average 3 stack+ a plat 2900-3k 3 stack on the enemy team while mine was six 3.4-3.6 solo q’ers after a 7 minute wait.
If that’s the best the matchmaker can come up with at 7pm EST that says a lot…

Because LFG is awful for comp and full of those wanting to be carried. It died off due to a feedback loop of bad players rushing to it so good ones stayed away. That and private profiles sabotaging the entire feature of making a team. The 3900 3 stack and 3 2900 stack should be relatively even to 6 solos in the middle. It’s hard to group stacks with stacks as so few are formed for various reasons.

Also did you reset queue time in that? Cuz the longer you wair in it uninterrupted the more matchmaker will stretch to make a team. After 90 seconds or so I exit and reenter to get more even teams.

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i.imgur. com/Bnfx1uZ.png

I logged on my friends account that is mid plat (the rank that people actually still use LFG) and its soon 4am here and there was still a grp looking for ppl. I thought it was known that on higher ranks people stopped using LFG after like a week of the release or so. So let me ask this again, could you please elaborate how LFG is correlated between the game dying?

Edit: I rerfreshed the finder i.imgur. com/9z6f7XE.png now there is even two groups

Oh I know this, I’ve never used it myself just found it funny that he was told to just use LFG when it’s literally dead for comp. What we need is some sort of role q but without hardlocking roles imo.
And no I didn’t reset the queue I should do that next time it takes too long, but if I’m not able to q with someone 500 sr below me then they shouldn’t be in my game either.

The fact that I got plats in my game at prime time tells me the player base is dying.

Resetting queue aids a ton. Won’t go faster but you’ll grt much more even games. LFG works alright for lower ranks but I found it to be “carry me harder” the feature. These days I befriend those I’m matched with that impressed me with their skills and we go from there. Some bad apples, some sucked in hindsight but we can prune our friends’ list too.

How did that correlate to LFG? But anyways. Ive been playing high dia - low master lately. I havent had plats in my games for ages. I guess its a dead game in NA then or something?

Honestly I thought that was something that only happened on consoles. Technically the averages were kinda close but I’ve never had that happen before even playing at late night so it was kinda shocking that it happened at 7 pm…