I hope you all understand

If I may add to this.
It’s not even just about relying on support, some dps also rely more on the team and they can be fine.

It’s about tanks not even being able to contribute what their role is about. Dps are allows to kill and cause damage, support are allowed to heal or provide stat based utility but a tank actually blocking damage? Apparently they are not allowed to be a thing.

It’s not even about Hog or Hammond doing their job, but rather they actually allowed to survive and so something no matter what it is.

I do think you covered it really really well, just felt like adding more emphasis on terrible tanks condition is currently.


“B-but healing is so OP, Double Barrier, Lamp, Brig, Ball and Sigma!! They don’t die when I shoot them! That’s so unfair! THEY NEED TO BE NERFED! [Streamer] said so, so it must be right!”

You even just said DPS are worst in class too, so I am right! Thanks for being my ally! :kissing:

I read your response and am now dumber for it.

You incorrectly paraphrased my quote and used it to try and say the opposite of what it means and pretended like it was some sort of ‘gotcha’.

If you are going to troll, at least make it interesting.

“But DPS is the worst class! They have no agency at all. The OP healing and durability of Tanks prevents DPS from doing their jobs and getting picks. I can’t shoot a spinning ball, I can’t muster the mental capacity to circumvent Double Barrier/Bastion Bunker comps, I can’t shoot down PharMercy and Moira scares me!”

Hog also gets a lot of slack because not many people use Ana effectively. Anti and sleep dart make hog a walking ult battery and other wise free kill


“Roadhog isn’t my first choice, he’s my last one, and he’s 1000% necessary. Leave him where he is, tanks.”

And I always thought Hog is either getting picked because dps queue is too long or „heals diff“.

And he‘s fun.

I always die a little inside when a Rein charges behind the enemy shields, dies, types “0 heals”, then picks hog.

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I didn’t miss any point. They’re changing the game because half of the people who play it don’t want to tank as it is. We all want to do any form of damage and pop off, period.

Hog is basically Blizzard failing to copy Valves homework when making a fat fps class. They looked at the Heavy eating and recovering health but then decided to change the answer to letting him walk with it and giving it 50% damage reduction. They would get an F in Game Design 101 because they clearly didn’t think things out.

But wait what about the name of the ability itself?

“Take a breather”
“- catch one’s breath, rest, breathe”
“- intermit, pause, break- cease an action temporarily”

I dunno about you Hog defenders but that ability name sure lost it’s meaning considering how much you abuse it then run away only to continue your cheap easymode hook combo kills. If there’s anything worse than Blizzard game design and balance it’s the players that defend it.

Nah. It’s the unaware players who don’t know how to focus him that allow him to do whatever he wants.

While you raise a good point it shouldn’t have to come to basically needing all 6 to kill a single hero that can survive team killing ults.

Reaper? Dead in seconds after a hook.
Bastion? Dead in seconds after a hook.

Oh and any damage they did to Hog? He’s back to full because all they did was tickle him thanks to that reduction buff. It’s inexcusable game balance.

I dont agree, I like the team play, by having heroes enable each other you have to play together. If heroes were not reliant on each other then everyone just does their own thing and the game ends up feeling like a deathmatch.

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I want to tank… … …

But I also don’t want to get obliterated as guy with high hp just because some dps used all their cooldown abilities on me


yeah and people have been slowly learning how to play this tank meta. Where they might have been protected going down main by a Rein shield they have to play more cautiously now. Hog punishes these people who do not know how to play around a Ball or two offtanks.

But the first introduction of 5v5 claimed the 1 tank will feel like a “raid boss” too, which can be easily interpreted as hard to take down.

Yes, yes u did miss the point, maybe u just dont main tank?

I didn’t miss any points. It’s not hard to put 2 and 2 together really?

And yet u still failed to do it on this thread?

Leaving this on read. People don’t like tanking and would rather DPS even as a tank. It ain’t hard, bye.

“I have no clue what to say because I missed the point that badly”

“Im going to completely ignore the OP and just state my opinion as a fact”

“It was hard so I have to try and make it seem cool”

“Please dont keep going because I dont have any idea how to continue this after entirely ignoring the OP”

Trying to help u out