I have to laugh (escaping Grav with a TP)

Well seeing that this was written in June when 3.0 came out.


Has anyone ever managed to successfully TP out more than 2/3 people from a Grav? most of the time they’re either dead before it deploys or bob about just out of reach of the interact radius. Oh well :joy:

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Wouldn’t it be nice if:

  • Teleporter entrance always deploys under Symmetra
  • Increase range where you can press a button to use Teleporter
  • Default teleporter option to be used by pressing Crouch or Use.
  • Teleporter ignores railings and destroys the railing when it deploys

Well, it doesnt happen much thats for sure, I definitely think tp should deploy quicker, but at the same time it is a regular ability and grav is one of the strongest and hardest to build ults.


I think I’ve done it once or twice, but it’s hard to do.

Oh, get your team out? I just know I’ve used it to escape myself.


i guess during the ptr when the sym rework was going on but thats it

Ana Nade on Transcendence.
DM on Blizzard/Grav/Dragons.

Would it be good for the game if syms team had a guaranteed escape from most ults?

Slightly faster tp is fine.
But If it’s fast enough, you don’t need to worry about anything.

It can be done, that’s all that matters, that doesn’t mean it works for everyone unless they are prepared for it…

Deployment time is fair. Interact radius could be a touch bigger. I know if I have it on cooldown I can get out most times but i’m like :wave: to my team

And also the most uncounterable ult

Well, Transcendence is a thing tho

In a sense, yes, but there are a few abilities that outright deal with it, but game sense is the best way to avoid it. Sincei t got nerfed, honestly its a bit difficult to be caught in a grav anyway

So if you looked at that iddqd Goodman interview, looks like next patch they are looking at creating simulated tickrates.

Such that they can unlink tickrate and armor reduction per tick.

I was able to get most of my team out of it before doing the symm portal thing but the trick is to be able to do it before you are focused, it’s normally only good if the other team isn’t all focused on you.

Not going to be a thing unless they bump up the interact radius and fix the placement / self-destruct bugs. TP should always place under Sym and should never self-destruct. Shaving half a second off the deploy time would work wonders too. I made a thread about this with lots of videos showing the bugs/inconsistencies:

The first clip is literally me a few days ago trying to save my team from a grav, but the TP self-destructs! I doubt they’d have been able to use it anyway.

The thread title mentions the primary fire but that’s a minor part of the post. A good Sym, who reacts on time and manages her cooldowns / predicts a grav, SHOULD be able to save her team. The TP is not quite there to enable that though.

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It would be nice if Teleporter had a 20% reduced deployment time.

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