I Have Concerns: A Rein-First Tank Main

Andy’s updates on hero balancing describes a respawn simulator. The way he makes it sound, that is exactly what they want to accomplish.

That is just bad news period. If they are going for traditional FPS, there are other titles that already do that very well. People play this game because it isn’t just another FPS.

Was it on a new map? It would be more beneficial to see them play the mod than the actual demo for ow2. map awareness and chokes are already established.

watching this atm:

Dominiant and requested? Maybe, is he going to be good pick? I doubt that.
People will want rein on their team, but heroes like zarya will be beating him up quite a lot.

A good Zarya does that now :sweat_smile:

Well, and lone rein will be even easier to melt by her, since he only gets more dmg less barriers, and zarya gets more bubbles to use on herself if needed if i remember right.

I was speaking more to the fact that a good Zarya will always be at an off-angle to your shield, making life impossible or at very least miserable