I have come to terms with Mercy

I have as well. If it makes this community happy that mass rez is gone then Ill accept this change for them. I dont want them upset or angry or any of that. As much as I miss and love Mass Rez, Rez works just fine for me.

I don’t think anyone complains about Dva’s ult

Pharah, Mc Cree, and Reaper mains always complain about their ult

doesn’t matter to me I just want to understand the opinion of someone wanting the super fun factor of mass rez but also making it so it could never realistically go off


And should Mercy be an exception? I don’t think a cast time is needed but to act like it’s crazy is not in line with any other hero

All I asked is how would it be fun to you and other people who want it back

only because they couldn’t be bothered to kill the enemy main healer but yea don’t mention that part about 1.0.

we literally already have ults that are easily stunned out of but they still bring a lot of value when they are properly done.

that’s the point to promote smarter and better play.

which is what pre-invuln used to do but then after that it ruined that they didn’t try to fix it despite vocal forum concern.

plus if said mercy ulti form could realistically go off what does that again say about ults like genji,lucio,or other?

cmon really though this is more then fine and balanced.

we can then put a spotlight on her e and the rest of her kit for improvements.

really no need for the thought of it not working as the devs already make it commonly work for other hero’s just fine.

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Higher skill floor, and high skill ceiling of which are both lower in 2.0 then they were in 1.0 which is causing people to be less satisfied with their time and improvements in mercy play.

sort of

Those ults that are easily stunned out of are also considered the worst ults in the game.


How is genjiblade,lucio ulti and others considered the worst ults exactly??

I don’t ever hear this sentiment I just hear the great satisfaction and frustration they get when they succeed or fail in the 6k

or using lucio ult to singlehandly save your whole team.

its smart play that gets rewarded and that should be rewarded.

Wouldn’t it just be the same as current Rez?

Both are just cast and maybe get killed/denied while doing it

Only difference is that one uses up ult gauge instead

Resurrect is and always will be a broken ability. I say remove it entirely and replace it with something else (any form of resurrect should not exist in ANY video game)

I wouldn’t care. I just want valk in the trash

I was equating it to Death Blossom, Dead Eye, and Barrage

The cast time on Dragon Blade and Sound Barrier are light enough that they are barely a factor. How often are you going to have the reaction time to stun Lucio in the time it takes for him to jump up and down?

Well I think you were the one talking about making Mercy more viable and balanced and a nerfed mass rez with her current kit just makes her even worse so


Not really as its not earned like an ult and wouldn’t have the same impact and the current rez is also extremely slow to cast.

ult cast time would be shorter but the cost of the ulti would be more then the previous version of mass rez.

like I said getting denied a bad ult because you played dumb isn’t a problem.

she would likely be getting a new e in this instance aswell other other kit changes and what not as other rework ideas have shown.

make that more clear next time

that’s the goal for mass rez but slightly longer then Lucio’s

quite often actually but that’s because he ulted in a bad position and got punished for it.

rewarding good play and punishing bad as usual and that’s healthy.

Thank you op. I played mercy for the time in months this week and that was fun. She isn’t my favorite healer but I don’t really find her that boring.

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Not really. Mass rez was balanced invulnerability wasn’t. If she has a .5 sec cast time but a fortify ability like I always thought she should, I would be fine. Fortify was something and is something I think Mercy should have . Her value comes from being alive more than anything else. Ana has utility, zen has kills. Mercy just needs to stay alive.
Invulnerability being taken out in favor of something else is fine. She isn’t stunned if she’s invulnerable right?

Uhm yes…

The usage of Hide&Rezz brought to light that it could be abused that it could be exploited for SR gains.

And the exploit, that was removed before the rework and Hide&Ress was still used, wasn’t even the only reason why the devs hated it

Not really. If Mercy had been appropriately punished for what obviously was a mass rez only player, it would have stopped.

Even now, rez is a mechanic calculated into Sr so Mercy players will use it to buff stats. It’s just what’s done.
But at least now, that stat is stagnant with the cooldown. They never fully punished hide n rez strats. Mercys got more Sr for higher rez counts flat. not rez to healing or rez to death ratios. What they fixed was mercy gaining so MUCH Sr. Not the Sr calculation itself