I have come to terms with Mercy

Refuted by who? The devs? They’ve stated they tried LoS fixes and a cast time?

Tempo rezzes were 2-3 every 35 secs(ish) now it’s 1 every 30 secs with a 2 sec cast time and 75% less movement speed.

I’d rather a cast time to earn 2-3 rezzes than to get 1

By me and a bunch of other people.

And uncounterable. Not to mention tempo rez was hardly ever used. Majority used Hide&Rez.

And it’s counterable (which is good) and it requires skill (which is good).

So your word is suddenly more weighing? You “refuted” it. But if I or any of the mercy crowd say otherwise it’s not viable?

So… cast time IS counterable…:thinking:
So mass Rez with cast time would be counterable…


I guess theres both hero design issues I have with Mercy now, and game design:

She’s supposed to be a strong healer, a strong solo target healer, and mobile. Rez on e interrupts her flow as a mobile healer. Her healing and utility potential numbers are more similar to zen than ana/Moira at 50hps but her utility is capped unlike zen.
As a game design issue, valk has multiple issues for me:
One Mercy already has a low skill floor. Valk chain beams being equal no matter what, takes away Mercy’s autonomy but valk itself is still good which means her skill cieling in it’s use is very low. It doesn’t matter who Mercy puts the beam on, it doesn’t matter how close or far she is, and her use for it will almost always find value.
No, valk isn’t good for an ult fight to sustain, but popping valk to avoid having to expose yourself during and ult fight is fine. Popping valk to push is fine. Popping valk even from spawn to get to the point faster is also fine since there’s no map where she doesn’t get back with valk still up and have half its time left. If zen did that, that’d be a huge mistake. There’s nothing inherently wrong that Mercy can do with valk because it’s always fine.
Then the flat number chain forces call to stay with low numbers because if it’s higher it’s too strong. Even with like… 150 hps and 40 dmg right, that’s still less than zen and less than orisa, but it lasts so long and since it applies to everyone and mercy can switch freely between heal and dmg boost, it’d be too good.

So Mercy is forced to have mediocre healing power with rez on e, and her skill cieling is capped with valk, and I can’t really understand why this came to be. It’s not good design in my eyes and this is only SOME of the issues I have .

So I think mercy players asking for mass rez which was more niche and less inherently viable is fine. Valk is always viable and it’s bad design. Mass rez had it’s issues but I think it was better in design.

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That’s the spirit. I recently learned her superjump ability and I plan to utilize that more into my gameplay.


If the issue is hide and rez, then hide and rez should have been PUNISHED. the Sr exploit was and IS dumb. Mercy never should have had a point where she gained Sr for a loss. But that’s a problem with rewarding only the rez mechanic. If Mercy had been punished appropriately, it would have died as the strat was causing a lower Sr.

They could have looked at ratios or something but they didn’t. Rez to healing ratio, rez to time, rez to mercy deaths, rez to team death, res to healing to team deaths but it never was

A mercy with 15 rezzes to 9000 healing and a loss should have been punished for her only 3 presses of her ult. This could have contrasted to a mercy who won with 8 rezzes, 15,000 healing, and 6 presses of her ult. Yes, this Mercy rezzed less numbers but it wasn’t all mass rez , she has a higher healing stat so she was i. The fight longer, and she used her ult more often which means she earned it more often

But that was never attempted nor looked at and mercy can still get away with only rezzing to boost her stats versus impact rezzes so the problem is still there.

Removing an ultime that promoted a playstyle that was deemed unhealthy for the game and made a healer stop healing, that’s not on balance?

That’s balance at it’s core.

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Who am I or who says it doesn’t matter at all. Sound logic is sound logic.

It’s not particularly hard to, yeah. LoS doesn’t solve Hide&Rez.

If it’s wrong and/or it’s not sound logic than no, it’s not viable.

I don’t think you understood my argument.

That doesn’t solve the issues with it. Nor the issues with adding a cast time.

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I think that this is pretty contradictory, but also true if we specify non-high tier gameplay. Below GM/high masters you can probably soft-carry your team with her

I say the ult didn’t promote the unhealthy play. The Sr system did.

Even without a SR system, the ability to Hide&Ress would exist, hence the ultimate enabled it.

And people needed to do it before the SR exploit could be found.

But you tried to debunk my argument by saying it’s been “refuted” because of your word.

“Rez with cast time is counterable, except when it’s not”
Is that your point?

What does that even mean? I didn’t try to debunk it, it has been debunked.

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No. Rewarding hide n rez brought up its use. That’s why rez was never meta before and why it was suddenly a issue that needed to be addressed. The Sr system rewarding numbers only rezzes and not healing or detah ratios is what made hide n rez viable. If the mass rez mechanic killed sr, the strat would have been less liked.

Becaus of YOUR word?!?!?

So much fallacy in your argument

The devs have never stated they tried LoS or cast time

What? I’ve never claimed that the devs have tried (they may have but there’s no way for us to know that) it.

Where exactly is the fallacy? What are you talking about? :grinning:

You claimed my argument was debunked and refuted, only because you said it.

Yet, my point, because I said it, is wrong.

If the devs haven’t said anything it isn’t “debunked”

Takes a big person to admit they are wrong, thanks for doing it. Much love and Merry Christmas.



Okay, so if you add LoS to Mass Rez, nothing stops the Mercy from hiding, using GA and doing Mass Rez just like before. Literally nothing. Have already explained in great detail about cast times in the thread I linked.

There - debunked.

You don’t need the devs to state something to have it debunked, just like you don’t need a scientist to tell you there’s gravity. :grinning:

nothing stops your team from not blowing all your ults or sending your flanker to kill mercy first.

cough cast time cough ez

a lot actually just don’t forget she exists.

and you don’t need the devs to tell me that mercy in her current state is unhealthy for the game.

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