I have a $23.000 gaming pc and i have problems with the game ^__^

I guess but all those hire a professional instead of making a thread on a forum of people who can’t even look at your PC.


You do realize i can literally run every game on earth on max settings right?
that’s a good motivation to have a good computer…
plus i stream on 3 platforms at the same time … while recording (for youtube-twich)
that’s why i got 1000mb fiber internet

Yeah, don’t run tri-sli. Lower it to two and see if that helps, and if that doesn’t, lower it to one.

Well, apparently not Overwatch!


Just delete the Windows32 folder and then restart the machine the OS will put everything on place.


Sure, except the ones that SLI breaks. Which is most of them.

23 dollars for a gaming pc is very little money im shocked you were able to get anything for that price


It’s probably because you don’t know how to build a PC properly.

ACTUALLY…i fixed it ,
it was the xbox DVR that was screwing with my game …

Cool story bro. Can I haz $100?


You should stop suggesting this. As I pointed out in the last thread you stated this, the performance impact of using the HPET is very hardware dependent. In many (if not most) cases disabling HPET will actually make performance worse. Just because a handful of people (possibly including yourself) found this to resolve their issue does not make it general good advice to advise people to do.

Also the issues revolving around HPET are not going to cause a machine like his to drop to single digit FPS.

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How was that causing the problem?

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Wait a minute… How in the world is your Xbox’s DVR remotely connected to why it was you were having problems with your gaming PC? :thinking:

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I imagine he’s referring to the Windows-based implementation of GameDVR that allows background recording of game on PC. There is likely a problem with SLI and it probably causes synchronization issues between the GPUs. SLI in general is garbage technology and causes way more issues than it solves.

i fixed it… 1234567

Yeah, even if I had infinite money, I would still just use one card. The problems SLI causes like compatibility hassles, microstutters, etc. are simply not worth the improvements it brings (better 4k performance at max settings if you have a high-refesh 4k display? I guess?)

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Really…? Really now? Calling people peasants, in a thread where YOU came to US to ask for help? Are you kidding me?

Is OP for real, or is this some troll/joke. All jokes aside, is this really happening?


Just FYI this is the reason why 9/10 people focused on the price tag. It’s because you’re basically just bragging.


Yet lower setting are actually more helpful in terms of gameplay


tri sli is not the best idea for stable gaming
it is more a pain than anything else, and a bragging right.
i use multi card only to render (premiere,maya zbrush)
but for gaming better stick to the highest power single card set up.
and separate your streaming pc to your gaming one. (or work pc)