I hate that they buffed Sym, but I get why

I highly doubt anyone will even notice these changes. Same with pharah.

Really shows bias when blizz gives genji 4 buffs at once but give sym 2 barely noticable buffs and 1 buff and 2 nerfs for pharah


Sym being able to hold charge for double the time will be noticed. It’s a great change.


But she was underperforming though. That was part of the goal to buff underperforming DPS. I mean they have to at least give the illusion that they care about the WHOLE player base.

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Sym underperforms because of her stupid turrets nobody likes. If they just made them not a living hell to deal with (or better yet removed them) she could be an actual character. Like Torb without his turret.

They’re more Quality of Life instead of actually buffs. Still welcome though.


Well if they remove torbs turret then okay remove hers too. But you can’t keep one and remove the other. That’s just playing favorites. I get that they play favorites anyway, but they can’t be so blatant about it.

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Torb’s turret isn’t stackable CC that requires cleave damage to get rid of. Absolutely not the same thing.

I respect your view however I would much rather deal with Sym than this:


Yeah instead it has 4x their range and much more HP.
Your bias is showing.


Yeah but it still does the work for you though. Not to mention his ult charges quick. Just saying, either we remove all “builder” aspects or we keep both. Sorry if that’s too much of a black and white view.

It also is the size of Torbjorn and requires open LoS to get value, while Sym turrets just camp doorways, chokes and rooms. And also… It CCs you. Torb’s doesn’t.

It’s not bias, it’s saying “just because 2 things are similar doesn’t mean we should treat them the exact same”

Sym turrets create problems Torb’s doesn’t, and vice versa. Thing is, only one of these heroes is mass hated and the other isn’t. I promise you there’s a reason for that

Well this is a first. Never seen someone single out sym when there’s heroes with a lot more bs.


How about delete her turrets but give her back her auto-lock beam?

There’s more important things to do than rework Sym… Or buff her, imo. She should stay low priority compared to other stuff they just shouldn’t have buffed her while keeping the stuff nobody likes about her character the same

If by more important you mean OW2 then yeah but she can’t go without some serious changes forever.

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Oh, you are just saying that to make us Mei mains feel better :slight_smile:

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I think Sym’s teleporter play and her beam weapon are incredibly cool and interesting. Her alt fire feels like the design team forgot to give her one and someone noticed it at the last minute. Her turrets are basically just a relic of the “I’m a defensive hero” era of Overwatch.

It’d be cool if they removed turrets and changed her alt-fire into globs of energy that she could stick to walls and detonate (limited number of globs at one time, obviously). Then she could be more of a booby trap hero that requires attention and not turret-placing hero that everyone hates.

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I like them :slightly_smiling_face:


Hey. I thought shield gen was fine. Then they got rid of it. Sym was broken for a while after that because her TP only lasted a few seconds or something stupid like that. She has been fine ever since. Then they buffed her a few weeks back and apparently are looking to buff her again. If anything, they should just give her more health/shields. But hey, why not buff the dps even more? This is what people wanted. Blizzard caved. Call of OW now.

Is anyone ever satisfied on this forum?

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