I hate damage boost for Mercy

She will forever be a glorified pocket because of it. Give me something else, anything else. Personally, I want damage reduction instead to support tanks better, but anything will do at this point, just let Mercy feel like the other supports, and not an NPC that Ashe/Widow/Pharah can spawn.

Why’d you pick Mercy if you want to Support Tanks?
Please dont change my favorite hero because you want her to be an entirely different type of Support :woman_shrugging:


If you want to support tanks more you’ve got Lucio, Ana and Baptiste.

You mean this doesn’t look like a thrilling game of Overwatch to you?

Incidentally, I got an idea to greatly reduce that.

Effectively turns a boosted headshot into a 15% damage boost.

An in particular, makes a boosted Ashe headshot be 184 damage, instead of 208.

Because I don’t want to play Ana, Bap is terrible, and Moira can’t do consistently healing anymore, only burst.

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