I hate Blizz Servers sometimes

I was looking for a comp match, had to go do something so I cancelled it, walked away from computer, and then I find out that I was placed.

Can’t really do anything but complain cause nothing can or would ever be done about something like this. Friggin sucks. Whatever. 3rd time I get booted from comp for something stupid, but the 1st time I didn’t even want to be in comp. Outstanding **** right there man. Oh well. Gotta climb back up past that -50 SR…again.

Please wait 10 seconds before you go AFK. What happens is that when you cancel, you were paired before the server received the cancel command (in a matter of milliseconds this happens), however, it takes as much as 10 seconds for a game to load if you are paired appropriately.

I too find this frustrating, and have made recommendations for things like this to prevent players from getting into trouble like this: