I got banned for the whole season because of servers DCs

Title basically. My connection is very stable, but I still got disconnected from the servers A LOT. So much that I got banned for the whole season.

Seems unfair to me since it’s a problem coming from Blizzard’s end… I just want to play comp with my friends. Any way to appeal the ban?


I’m at a 20 hour van rn just trying to play the game my connection is perfect on ever other game I play and everyday I login into OW2 to play and I get banned from comp for hours I only play comp really and I’m probably gonna get a season ban as well cause of these connection problems

Unfortunately I’d recommend to sticking to QuickPlay or Arcade - I’m also experiencing network issues. I presume the team is investigating and working on it behind the scenes and would prefer not to divulge too much until their confident about root cause and a solution.

I’ll try to be patient and wait for more information before hopping into Comp.

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Quit playing comp until the figure this out. I received a season ban yesterday.

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