I finished the battle pass

And there are a few things I realized.

  1. It was a waste of time. Now being able to switch up the colors of the genji skin, I realize it actually looks really meh. Not worth the sheer amount of time I spent on it.
    Like, when I use the third mask, it’s red in the original colors. Like the rest of his body. But when I switch his body colors to the green palette or the neon like one, it turns into a color that doesn’t fit the rest of the costume. It genuinely looks bad. And don’t get me started on the feet. Eww. But to each their own.

  2. Briefly after the battle pass came out, I saw someone running around with the ‘Cyber Demon’ title and only now I realize how hecking sad that actually was. I didn’t know where he got that title, but now knowing that it’s the last title to achieve in the battle pass, he must have spent all his money on just buying all the battle pass levels. Which is honestly just so so sad and kind of pathetic. My opinion. To each their own, i guess. But literally buying all tiers in the matter of like 2 days? That ain’t it chief.

  3. Now that I’m done, there’s no incentive to play anymore. Yeah, Halloween Event. Nice and all. But done after like 4 rounds. 14 days of Halloween Event left and majority of people are already done with the event (don’t get me started on the Sojourn Cyber detective skin being in the event either).

I guess I’m just sad, disappointed and I miss papa Jeff. I will probably uninstall soon.


I Feel the same.

Genji cyber skin looks good only in defoult and Ive never seen anybody having differend colors.

The earning money system is poor, prices are to high for Item in store that should be chiper are too expensive.

Why we did that survey 1moth ago?
Like there was drama how prices where high and blizz sayed “we use random pricetags”.
Well its not randome anymore.

What about streamers NDA? “Oh future of ow is so bright and looking good” it aint good, the updates are slow, commuication is still the same, they still buff DPS like Cree, soldier.
They useing graph and never test the changes.


I read no more and still completely agree with you.

I’m just joking, I read it all. You might have slipped in a hot take like ‘Genji needs two swords’.

Gotta be careful.


Just playing regularly like I normally would I am basically at lvl100. Haven’t bought any tiers, I work a full time job 6 days a week, I have other hobbies and I play other games.

It really isn’t difficult to complete the battlepass by just playing the game and it doesn’t feel like a grind at all.

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Why do people grind the game so much?
Obviously it’s going to become boring if it’s all you do, have some balance with your games like damn.

you dont have to buy tiers to max out the battle pass, and you cant buy prestige tiers, only up to level 80. the prestige tiers go up to 200. level 80-200 can only be grinded, so he did actually earn cyberdemon.

Its designed tp be that way lol

You know you can check out the different customisation options before you unlock it, yeah?

I am about to hit max level and I did not even read a single challange to this point, neither did I even check what I unlocked so far xD

And I did not like many PRE ORDERED THE BATTLEPASS and neither will I buy premium ever.

I still like playing the main game with my buddy, but we’re both kinda just … Over it? I got my enjoyment out of OW1. I’m just disappointed to see it fall this far because of late stage capitalism and corporate greed.

I get they gotta make money, servers don’t pay for themselves. Neither do lawsuit settlements…


I also completed it and more or less liked doing it. Currently working on the tittles, but the last title I want is at level 135 so not that far to reach (currently level 89).

For 10 bucks, I think I got my money worth of it. I did not care about ANY of the skins you could unlock. One of the best things was the EDM Dva skin, that I would have otherwise bought in the shop. I like the charms, name cards, poses and a few other stuff for new heroes to customize them.

I enjoy it, but I dont base my complete enjoyment on the BP. Its nice to have, and I will buy the other BPs in the future, but I enjoy the general gameplay a lot more.

I know, but you can’t look at them all at the same time. Only separately.

I’ve heard you can’t buy past tier 80, so that guy probably just played 24/7 to get that title.

Oh, good to know.
But timewise it was impossible at the time. So he must have at least bought most of the 80 tiers and gone full gamer mode lol haha

Oh yeah, I totally forgot about that. How they went into their super sekrit speshul meeting and then put out all these “the future looks so great” posts. Lmao. I guess they forgot to specify to whom it looks great. After a succesful whaling season Kotick enjoys that new golden toilet of his I’m sure.

i finish the main part but its not fully finished till ya reach tier 200

– What’s next after the Tier 80?

  1. Grind Overwatch Coins every week if you want to buy some items or skin.
  2. Just play your favourite modes.

All true.
Wait until people have gone through a couple of BPs and are truly sick of it. The number of players is going to plummet i think, especially when the next hero isn’t automatically unlocked for those without the premium BP.

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Yeah, unfortunately, the people up at the top only care about short term profits. Then they’ll move onto the next thing. I’m sure they’ll make a ton of money in the first couple of months, and then they’ll run the game into the ground.

There also was survey we all forgoten

But theres more!

If blizz rylly wana keep those monetysation they need lern better or they gonna lose player base quicker than ‘fan base’ in Diablo Immortal.

Ow2 vs Fortnite
Ive never thought that I will ever say that fortnite is better than ow at any point or anything

Next one in Australia this kind of aggresive monetysation is illegal in Australia and can be reported to ACCC

I also leave post I did about the Survey we did some time ago