I finished in diamond but the game says platinum?

That’s so weird lol. Like, I don’t know why I got my Diamond Title/end of season wasn’t modified, but I got decayed for S4.

I’m doing my wins tonight but like, there’s no consistency to this.

basically, overwatch did a re calculation on how things work
for instance i was high silver in tank last season but now im bronze 1
but i was bronze 3 in damage last season and i am now in gold 5
i havent played tank in awhile but i have been playing alot of DPS/support and such recently
so maybe thats it

It’s literally a bug for the most part, on both accounts (rewards and decay).

Regarding some people ranking up, it could also either be a bug, or it could be how the update was supposed to work…

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I did my five games tonight and got put straight back into diamond

So, it worked then?

I didn’t get my diamond rewards. I’m not sure why it would put me in diamond, tell me my actual rank is platinum but then immediately put me back in diamond again

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The fix for the (unintentional) rank decay was easy to implement. So you got back to Diamond. But the fix for the ranked rewards is not as simple to implement. So that one may take a while. They don’t have a timetable for the ranked rewards fix yet.

is there actually a fix in the works for this? I don’t mind waiting as long as I know a fix is coming

I know they’re looking into it, but they don’t have anything that they know they can implement yet (that’s why there’s no timetable for a fix.)