I felt that when Blizzard said, "Nerf this."

Hello again, D.Va main here. I’m here to talk about the most unplayable character as of right now, D.Va. D.Va is just unplayable due to the snipers. The other thing is the boosters… like B R U H… where is her high mobility? Like make her boosters 4 from 5 secs.

  • Another thing is adding more armor; 300 armor, 300 health. (Would increase the chance of diving and killing a sniper)

These are just SOME of my ideas… what are yalls?

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Never really played the character much, but I always thought Micro Missiles were a … weird addition. I mean I guess they’re “fine,” but would’n’t something useful have been a better alternative?

Don’t really have much of an opinion on the topic. However, I’m always reminded that she could use some QoL changes after I get her in Mystery Heroes.

I also find the boosters kinda clunky to use. Could just a be a non-D.Va main issue, though. Actually, probably every complaint I have about the hero is most likely due to my hardcore inexperience playing her. So /grain of salt.

i find it funny in the cinematic she spends almost all of her time in the air compared to in game where you spend 90% of the time on the ground.

I hope they chose not to buff defense matrix and instead look at other areas of the character. Hate to see her become a defense matrix bot again.


As a Moira Main I’ve been advocating silently to be fair but still advocating that D.va get a buff if she got buffed honestly the nerf that Moira got wouldn’t have been needed (still wasn’t needed) because the only reason why she saw so much play is because D.va saw none