I feel sorry for Sym players

    • Turrets: Long cd easily destroyed on purpose AND accident. TRASH
    • ULT: Oh hey a giant wall the enemy can walk through with no consequence. TRASH
    • Primary fire: Its just pure trash no matter how you look at it unless the enemy is literally brain dead. Battle mercy is more threatening. Baby DVA will kill sym with her primary quicker than that thing charges up.
    • Alt fire: Shiny,Slow, and HUGE. Barriers instantly make it useless. But even without that who would get hit by that? lol

Tele has such small use i won’t even waste time getting into that.

Sym players you are being treated so unfairly by Blizzard. #SYMharassment.

Perhaps her ult could serve like an electronic fence and zap people passing through much like her turrets.

Seems fun, huh? :slight_smile:


I agree there should be a buff to Symm’s wall. Maybe adding a dot to whatever enemy that crossed her wall. The more you cross it the more damage you take could be great. Maybe something like Ashe’s dynamite when it hits people.

I feel like Symmetra could really use a more offensive ult to be more interesting to play.

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you dont play symmetra do you? :smiley:

her tp is trash though, indeed

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She seems alright.

She has a strong ultimate for area control that builds ridiculously fast. Teleporter defines entire game plans, albeit in a fairly inflexible way. Her weapon’s not going to wow anyone, but that’s not really what anyone’s picking her for, either.

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It’s a shame there aren’t other heroes to chose from.


Symmetra is awesome if you play her aggressive mode!

No one sees her as a threat up to this day and funnily enough most of the enemies will let her flank with tp only to get melted later on.

You dont spam her orbs like junkrat and stay at one location because if you do, you are wasting her full potential. Be a tracer and harass their backline go in back and forth and use your imagination.

Lastly, i can kill baby dva faster than she can draw her gun there is a thing called orb+melee combo instakill, i killed plenty of tracer’s with it.

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No. 5

Sym’s primary is not bad like it used to be. Although, I still hate the change from how it dealt with mobile targets to being used on relatively stationary targets (coughtankscough)

Poor thing. All that light construct ability for such bland results.

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The tp on “e” is the worst. Slow, buggy, predictable :persevere:

I play whatever the team needs. I’m an “I’ll fill” Type of player. I have played Gimpetra before.

Yes her wall is awesome on its own right but I have to disagree with the “ridiculously fast” line.

Dva bomb is 1300
Primal rage 1300
Emp 1200
Pulse bomb 1100
Earthshatter 1300
Blizzard 1400
Minefield 1300

These are the shortes ult charge hero in the game, symm charge is 1500 so i wont call it “ridiculously fast” and not to mentioan most if the faster ult are game changing like rein shatter,emp minefield and bomb.

i think the problem comes from you being unable to aim, or just to use it how it should be

like every fire ability, like what’s the point?

clicking on symm’s icon doesnt instantly make me win?