I feel like the game has regressed

Not in the way you’re thinking. I haven’t played the game since before Baptiste and for the past two days I’ve been experiencing these same problems like I was for the first two weeks after launch.

  1. Character keeps sliding to places I’m not going.
  2. Shots are refunding so according to the game I’m not shooting when I’m supposed to.
  3. I have to use the same ability multiple times before it actually works, extremely problematic for tanks like Sigma and Zarya or support like Ana and Moira or damage like Doomfist and Tracer.

When this happened the first time, I uninstalled the game. Kind of hard to enjoy the game when you’re at every disadvantage out of your control, and the closest thing you get to these in other games are getting shot through walls in games without bullet penetration like Halo or Destiny. Besides that, no other game I’ve played has these problems so I have no reason to believe it’s my connection.

If this isn’t resolved by the end of the week then I’m not coming back until Overwatch 2, I shouldn’t feel like I’m being forced to cheat (I’ve never cheated in online games unless they allowed it like Saints Row or Destiny when bosses could be pushed off the level, no mods, no aim/ trigger bot, no wall hacks, nothing that wasn’t intentionally put in the game or left alone to this day) just to even the playing field, an action that last I checked is not only contradictory to what I just said, but punishable by a permanent ban in most if not every case.

Before anyone tries to bring SR into this (we all know someone was going to), my highest was 2984, one more win and I would have made Diamond. I can promise my skill at the game has nothing to do with this, I can guarantee even Grandmasters would be discouraged to play even against a team of Bronze players when the game itself is putting them at an extreme disadvantage, several disadvantages actually.


As in you feel like your hero is moving uncontrollably? There is an active investigation about this and you may want to check out this post from Blizzard.

The other symptoms are more likely connection issues (though uncontrolled hero movements is also a symptom) and that you will need to investigate your own connection on.

These sound like ‘rubber-banding,’ where there’s a significant delay in your computer sending and receiving signals from the server.

You should bring this up with technical support.

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All of this sounds consistent with what I experienced a while back when my building overloaded its bandwidth, causing extremely high network latency and instability. There’s most likely something interfering with your connection. As mentioned above, #technical-support may be able to help in more detail.

I’m playing on xbox, the only other no one’s using any of the computers right now and the only other thing I’m using is the Microsoft Edge app on xbox.

Edit: It’s moving uncontrollably as in I’m strafing and I get pulled back or pushed further than I was supposed to go, or I make a sudden turn and the game thinks I was a few steps further or behind where I turned.

Edit 2: When movement isn’t the problem, it’s the lack of movement. Kind of hard to dodge when your movement space is pretty much confined to the width of a doorway. No other game has these problems which is ridiculous when those games are using a server type (player to player) that’s supposed to be worse.

I thought it was all connection issues at first (I’m on Xbox as well) But at times i have great connection, and still i’ll see blatant no-regs, and i have felt as though i’m moving in ways that are abnormal, even if everything else in that moment is perfectly fluid.

Made me miss a shot as Widow once recently, and i turned around (Thought i was being pushed by an enemy or ally) And no one was there.
Also note, i wasn’t moving at the time. I suddenly just got pushed.

My conclusion?
The game is haunted by the players who left.

Real conclusion?
Something is up with the current live version, beyond connection issues.

Yeah, that’s exactly what will happen if you’re repeatedly losing connection to the server for brief moments (same goes for the failing to shoot or use abilities and having them refunded).

The server is constantly predicting what you’re trying to do based on the last thing it saw you do. If you lose your connection for a second, that prediction becomes inaccurate. When you reconnect, you’ll be sent to wherever the server predicted you would be, which might mean undoing a shot you fired or making you walk farther than you wanted to.

If this is always happening for you, there’s a major and consistent connection problem between you and the game servers. Hopefully #technical-support can help you identify where that problem is and whether there’s anything you can do to fix it on your end.

It seems like you’re experiencing lots of desynch. Check your connection for stability and maybe contact your ISP

I think I’m just about done. No other game has any of these problems and they’re happening in every match. I can’t strafe when I need to, I can’t shoot when I need to, I can’t use any of my abilities when I need to, and when the lack of movement isn’t the problem, it’s that I get pushed further than I’m supposed to be. It can’t be my connection when it’s one specific game that has any of these problems, my NAT type is open, and I’ve got a full bar for my connection. Halo, Dark Souls, Destiny, COD, Battlefield, Elder Scrolls Online, Code Vein, Borderlands, Final Fantasy, Warframe, Titanfall, none of these games have any of these problems.

I know I said no other game has these problems, but I actually experience it on Diablo as well, but I almost always play solo so it’s not an issue then. It’s like it’s a Blizzard exclusive problem to my experience. Kind of hard to enjoy Overwatch when I’m at so many disadvantages out of my control that it would be debatable whether or not me using unauthorized software/ programs to give me a fair chance is cheating (still not doing it). More than 1/3 of my shots are blanks anyway and I have to throw the same flashbang at least twice before it finally works.

Sounds like your internet connection has trouble routing packets to blizzards servers. Other games would work fine in such cases.