I feel like overwatch's most complained about problems are self created

esp. by players who “main” heroes etc.

For example, I like to play Tracer. A lot. It’s one of my favorite heroes. But I play what I need to so that I can win. I don’t NEED to play that hero. I TRY to be good at a little bit of everything so I’m adaptable in any situation. When I can’t win, I try to find a way.

And because of that, I have few complaints about the game.

In fact, the only complaints I’ve had about the game for a long time are low skill high damage AoE abilities. Or spam. And most recently, barrier strength because of how powerful it is vs ALL dps heroes. Maybe the hitbox of Hanzo’s arrows and other really obscure things like how Junkrat’s trap doesn’t go on cooldown on activation / destruction because it just irks me on principle.

But almost nothing major. Or outlandish. And I come to this forum, it’s just…

Master players complaining about Meta, whining about it like comp is supposed to be quick play… Like playing against the meta instead of trying to fit into it vs the best players in the world is supposed to be EASY. It’s insane.

Gold players whining about being stuck. ELO Hell this, Widowmaker and Doomfist that. Woe are all of us Sombra players because Fitzy cannot play her anymore, surely we are all losing games for the same reason as him! How come this hero only gets to be viable for 1 season Blizz? you must hate us!

Like… just play the game lol. Play a different hero. There’s 5 other people on your team, play for someone else other than yourself. Or just play for yourself, but in a way that most benefits you, which in turn, most benefits everyone because you should only be focused on winning.

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Some accounts have a leaver every 5th game. Of those, a leaver is on their team a solid 75% of the team. That’s not self-created.

When you’re paired with a Widow on your team (or any high aim required for high reward hero) and they have <20% accuracy on their weapon? That’s not self-created.

When you’ve a Winston that dives in on a reaper/bastion with protection and rez, with our Ape outright Refusing to stop, each and every spawn, just diving in 1v6? That’s not self-created.

When you’ve 1700+ hours locked in, and you’re paired with a Junk and Sym for DPS that ask you at level 25 “Well what should I counter Pharmercy with?” That’s not self-created.

When this:

"Recently it was slipped that there are legacy values. Then take this Blizzard Activision patent into account:

“[0016] In another example, if a player has been performing poorly (e.g., getting killed at a rate higher than the player’s historical rate), the scoring engine may dynamically adjust one or more coefficients to match the player in a game that will improve the player’s performance. For example, the player may be matched with easier opponents, matched with better teammates, and/or placed in a game that is more tailored to the player’s preferences (e.g., players that play in games more closely aligned with their preferences tend to perform better).”

From: `https://patents.google.com/patent/US20160005270A1/en"

is easily accessible? (Win 4 in a row = LONGER QUEUE: CRAPPY GAME - #3 by Mox-11957) That’s not self-created.

When you literally play your balls off routinely in low ranks, enough to prove that you ‘got gud’ and should be the next rank up, but you stagnate for season after season to the point you throw in the towel on the game entirely due to the above? That’s not self-created.

When you bring your competitive mindset to each and every single match, and you’re routinely paired with either Mei’s that wall your own spawn, or people that don’t leave your spawn at all so they derank? That’s not self-created.

This competitive mode is a joke. It’s so chalk full of problems, it’s a wonder people go near it at all.

Some, like myself, make it out. We find better games, with a system to determine rank that’s open to the public in every way, and makes simple and comprehensive sense.

I couldn’t imagine playing Overwatch anymore. I’m so happy to be off it and into games that, forgive the abstract term, seem to enjoy me playing them.


I feel you

a lot of games today teach you that a game isn’t meant to be played, but for you to figure out when it should be played. there is so much cat and mouse game design in today’s games, it is beyond frustrating at times

there are of course problems like this, but honestly i climbed 4 ranks in this game and you just never really stop depending on yourself. you’re the win condition in like 90% of your matches and in the other 10% you get carried for once.

but i am mostly referring to things that ARE the same every match, such as hero balance.

I understand the greivance these people have towards these heroes, but it is misguided. If a DPS player is not doing their job, it does not make a hero OP, it is because your teammate is a bad player.

All of that stuff is just… light years ahead of Overwatch. It shouldn’t be, but it is because of people who don’t play the game like I do. They don’t try to understand, they don’t try to become a better player, they don’t try to learn how to be a better teammate. To them, winning as X hero is more important than winning at all. Ties into all that.

Just click heads lol… if only it were so simple.

I think the problem with ow is that it really isn’t that simple of a game.

You have to track a lot of cooldowns, ults and effectively communicate or at least understand the win conditions of both teams with 5 other random players who may or may not be in potato mode that game.

This leaves casual players pretty much feeding, staggering and never resetting or even understanding when and why to do it.

There is so much info on youtube in easy to comprehend 10 min chunks.

Yeah, and Im a Hanzo main since the time he was total trash.
To win Im FORCED to play Hanzo 95% of time because of Widow, Doomfist and other very annoying idiotic balance decisions.

Id happily play Torb but I get insta-reported and avoided.

I mean, isn’t that a symptom of competing at the top though?

How do they make a game where someone else is not constantly on the bottom of the totem pole? Especially at the highest ranks in the game. We’re all competing, competition is what enforces meta. If we did not compete as hard, it would be ridiculous to expect the enemy not to compete as hard just because we aren’t.

i.e, If you DC or idle to type in chat/afk, a player is not just going to not kill you. Of course they are going to kill you.

I know this game has had better metas, but someone is always gonna be the odd man out. And now that queue times are as long as they are, people are going to feel more entitled than ever to experience playing with a team composition they find to be ideal.

Reduce the power-creep. Some heroes are so strong that it forces you to counter pick. Torb potentially can kill any dps hero. Thing is, he cant because some heroes are too strong.

Next problem - ultimates. Or particularly very few of them. They are too strong again, forcing you to pick the heroes. Long ago Jeff agreed that fights should not be decided by ultimates and what changed since then? Nothing.