I dont understand this SR system

Lose a match because we had a quitter on our team, lose 25 SR. Not my fault, not my 4 other team mates fault, just the quitter. ROLL the other team next game on Gilbraltar. We held them to the first turn, they didnt even get down the hill on first point. Win that game very easily, only gain 23. How do you make me lose 25 for a quitter on my team, we ROLL the team the next game and I only get 23 SR? Why is your crap SR system like this?

I mean, if you’re rolling the game then there certainly was something with the matchmaker.

Since there was difficulty with your first match it put you in a lower MMR match most likely, meaning that it was expecting you to win.
And well, because the bar was raised lower you’d gain less SR due to it being way too easy.

IIRC, no official data has been released… though i find this thread most helpful understanding the system:


i 100% agree. the game should recognise that there was a leaver and at least make you lose 10 sr not 50 or when you disconnect due to wifi problems, i think they should recognise that your internet stopped working and not that you just left.

So if I want to leave out of spite I can just unplug my Ethernet from my PC to get a lighter punishment? Sweet.

Realistically there is no way that is worth the cost (if at all) to effectively differentiate a legitimate dc, power outage, or crash from someone manually unplugging their internet/computer, manipulating their connection to intentionally make it dc, or just “crashing” the game intentionally by closing it outside of just clicking “leave/exit/close” within the OW menus.

All you effectively do is go by someone’s word of “I really did crash/dc I swear!” Which of course everyone will say if that gets them off easy.

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lmao good point, i didnt think about that

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Unfortunately there really isn’t a good way to help people if they crash/dc. It’s why anyone with sense recommends you only play comp if you know your system/connection is stable, won’t potentially have to leave to go do something you know about, and don’t think your power could go at any moment (like in a major storm). That way any unforeseen event or emergency will be rare, still possible but rare enough that it shouldn’t effect you in the long run.

Yeah it sucks when it happens but that’s why you and anyone who cares can and should do their best to minimize when it’s on their connection/tech that something happens.

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It reminds me of my previous job back when I used to work in a call center for an airline company.

We had this rule that if you have bought a round trip ticket and you miss one of the flights your whole ticket gets nullified. It did not matter why or how you missed your first flight you still lose the whole ticket.

It was mainly implemented because people abused it a lot, would buy a round trip if they only needed like a one way ticket since a round trip is cheaper than a one way.

So basically you had a lot of passengers missing their flights due to getting stuck at customs because someone else had something in their bags that needed additional security check hence making the line even longer and the security process taking longer than expected.

I’ve had like million people calling me and complaining about how their 1k+$ ticket getting completely nullified due to that. I had nothing to say to them apart from that it was the procedure due to this and that, and it saved the company billions in the end.

I personally do not think it is fair for one to be punished due to the other being stupid, but I get the jist in general.

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