I don't think OWL gonna reach more than 70K viewers

you mean the 1 league coin you get per match watched isn’t enough?

but that means you ONLY need to watch like 100 matches to get a free skin

1 token per map, not 1 per match. And there’s also the random 100 token drops, if they’re doing that again this year anyway. Last year I earned enough for 6 OWL skins without spending a dime, but I didn’t watch 600 maps live.

i was way unlucky then. i watched dozens of games and never got the 100

I don’t feel neglected. The people I play with don’t feel neglected. This is actually not that big of an issue as these here forums would have you think.

Well, here is a fact for you OP : They are going to fit more the EU schedules for many matches/rounds so that is going to bring views to the table.

Honestly, it would be actually pretty weird that they don’t break the 70k average if you take that in consideration.

It’s going to have at least 150k because people want OWL points.
Towards the end of the season though sure, it will taper off.