I don't think I deserve my rank

I’ve been playing Overwatch since season 5. I got placed in bronze… like very low bronze. I’ve been in bronze for 3 seasons (season 5, 6 and 7)
In season 8 I hit silver for the first time, and in season 9 I was gold. That was when I started learning how to play tanks and I really enjoyed playing tanks.
I’ve been in gold until season 13, where I hit plat for the first time. After that season I went back to gold. In season 18, where role queue got added, I hit plat again as tank.
In season 19 I started to learn sigma more and more 'til the point I kind of forgot how to play other tanks and sorta became a sigma one trick (not totally)
From s18 to s21, I was hovering between plat and gold. In season 21 I started to play comp more often with friends and hit 2638 sr on tank.
Now it is season 22, I still play with these friends and I hit 2862sr. But I don’t feel like I belong there. The friends I play with are gold or low/mid plat. We’ve been placed against diamond players in comp, and we won against some and lost against others. But still, I don’t feel like I should have 2.8k sr, I feel like I play Sigma at high gold/low plat sr…

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Tank and DPS are completely different roles.

Tank is all about strategy, and keeping the enemy team from focusing your teammates.

DPS is all about consistent value, and mechanical skill.

You deserve your Tank rank because your playstyle is more strategic than the playstyle of other tanks.


I’ve never heard of Overwatch imposter syndrome before, but you’re telling me it exists.

Sigma is great for many reasons. He has high damage, a shield, he mitigates damage, and CC. He is the complete package.

You deserve your rank. Enjoy it.


I was at a PhD seminar when I first heard about it. You doubt your accomplishments and are worried that everyone knows you don’t deserve it.


To be fair, it feels like a fair amount of times I’m held back by teammates.

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Ayyy, fellow Sigma Enthusiast. I’m a 3.2k sigma main, and could help you with your sigma gameplay if you want. Just send a replay code and I’ll try to help you and see if you deserve your rank. If not, ill give you some pointers and point out some things you should work on

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Would you like me to abuse you and tell you that you’re not worth it? Give me $20 and I will.

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I’ll play some more comp later today and I’ll give you the replay code in here?

good w/ me

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