I don't see the point in competitive seasons - my rework

I mean sure… if they actually had content to release per season, kind of like how literally most other AAA game schedules content. But each season on OW feels empty, like it doesn’t have any meaning, just “lets hide your rank for 5 extra games”.

I’m ngl, I like Valorant’s content schedule-ish. I’d say without a paid battle-pass (since we pay for the game) perhaps they could tie heroes to this schedule, like a new hero every 3-4 seasons, or a new map every X amount of seasons. It’d give seasons more weight and feel more exciting. I’d also change the name format of them, I don’t know why, but the name Season 26 sounds a little dumb to me. Maybe like ‘Year X : Season Y’

I hope OW2 does this, and the devs already dislike the fact they added golden guns so when it comes to competitive points maybe they can perhaps remove or create more rewards for them, like being able to convert them into gold or something.

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i believe apex does an outstanding job with this. there always seems to be something new whenever i play the game, which isn’t the most often. i normally only play with friends who are more passionate about apex. but it is a spectacular game. probably the best BR game.

if overwatch is a dying game, that point is something debated, but an argument for it dying is just the lack of content in it. which it’s kinda sad. i have faith in ow2 and i’m excited for it, but i don’t understand how you can have such a content drought yet the april fools experimental comes in.

personally, i would have tried to release sojourn for something new at least. that’s the only feasible thing i could see for content at the moment.

i’ve been saying they should just price gold guns the same as the skins which cause 3000 currency (not the comp points)

Rainbow 6 siege does their season well as typically it comes with two new operators a new map and a host of changes and additions plus they get a cool name.

Nowadays it seems more like 1 op and rework of a hero and map

If seasons were more of a hard reset & with placements being more factual. Seasons are another half-assed attempt at “something”. Just imagine the ideal system and seasons become clearer, like clash Royale (my fav game). I don’t think it was for content like other games more for skills.

Imagine people hard reset - maybe bigger swings around ranks so one season your bronze but if you actually try to learn and get better you have “next season” to look forward to. Then next season you can see your hard work paying off when you finish “higher”, (notice not gm but “higher”).

Let’s end the debate here about “climbing”. Some will say oh yes someone who plays with feet is a gm so those with hands are hard stuck… others will say algorithmic match making is bad… some have success some don’t. Factually: if the distribution is staying the same, most don’t and wonder why we have seasons.

The seasons exist is not like the battlepass games, but because they were trying to specifically make this a sport, with long breaks between the seasons (I think it was 2 weeks originally?) much like irl sports.

Then, like they do with most things, instead of building in the proper seasons to make it feel like you’re playing an esport (tournaments, guilds, prizes, etc.) they went the other direction and slowly removed all meaning from seasons, but never removed the seasons themselves because it’s the only thing left defining ‘competitive’ ow (along with SR/MMR).

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Heck most players would be happy with something released every year. But they are just going to let this game die and hope that overwatch 2 is huge.