I don't mean to beat a dead horse but

Her rez ability is fine as it is and can be strong, it just takes more than little forethought to do it.

Understandable. A rework would be better than a revert, I just don’t think her ult right now is fun and it needs to change. Idk how they would change it but it needs to happen imo.

It doesn’t “NEED” to change, as you say.
You would like it to change.

I’d like lots of other things in Overwatch too, mercy isn’t in my top 100.

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I like how you take your own opinion and try to present it as fact. sorry, it doesn’t work that way.

I never said it was fact. In fact, I stated quite the opposite. My personal opinion is that Rez never should have existed and Mercy existing as a whole is why Pharah will never be completely good on her own. It is a fact that many Mercy players do like the new Mercy just fine and find her balanced. It’s also a fact that Mercy mains that didn’t want to expend more than 2 brain cells playing their favorite hero.

It’s not opinion, it’s fact.

Rez is very very strong but you need to take some care.
What exactly is incorrect about that?

Why do you think mercy was ever OP in the first place, Rez and mobility.
It wasn’t because of the incredible healing

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you state quite a lot of things like theyre fact.

She is stated to be the best throughput healer. that was her design from the start. her entire thing is supposed to be being the best ST healer. moira has that job however, while being AoE.

it’s funny how lucio and zen can press q and do the same thing, the only difference is mercys is after. nobody complains about the grav dragon that got stopped by zen, only the one by mercy.

you state this again like its fact “they recognize” as if your opinion is the truth.

lol, at least this guy tries to just out and out say it. he may be wrong, but he says it.

sorry, but mercy wasn’t OP. she had an abysmal pickrate in the start, she always died during rez, she had to be buffed twice before she became more than a throw pick, she had >5% (f-tier) in high ladder and pro play (documented by omnicmeta) and was not anywhere close to meta until just about every other support got nerfed. lucio zen was the first couple seasons and Ana with a lucio or zen was the next couple. after lucio got the rework and ana got multiple nerfs (zen’s discord was changed somewhere in there too, wasnt it? that one im not quite sure about, I may be mixing up damage boost and discord) is when mercy, being the only option left, started to get picked up.

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There is a huge difference between saving lives premortem with Zen and Lucio and bringing an entire team back from death. But whether or not you like it, this exists.
Jeff Kaplan Post on Mercy

we’ll just agree to disagree there as the end result is the exact same thing.

yes, we all know that valk rework was broken.

Did you just willfully ignore the part where he said resurrect was overpowered to fit your narrative?

narrative would imply telling a story, much like you are. try actually reading the post yourself. it is very clearly talking about mercys rework and her being too strong after it.

dude, a soilder had to wait for rein to be cced or look to get a quick pick on a target out of position, which in like plat-top 500 isn’t always gonna happen. Widow ult just gives her wall hacks but no guranteed kill at all, she has to aim. genji ult can be negated with hacks and CC to waste time, tracer ult she has to be real close an accurate to stick to squishy, and with quick timing we can save the ally she stuck.

Mercy can guarantee a 5 man rez by simply telling her teammates to all go kamikaze on the point, then she swoops in to win the game with a 5 ma guaranteed rez. getting a 5 man rez was as simple as telling your teammates to die on point, if the enemy team doesnt focus your team an instead expends resources to get u then for however long they search for that time your team spends capping point killing whoever on it. Sure u could say just cc or kill the mercy while she flying in, but do u know how freakin fast her guardian angel is. I doubt anyone from gold and up is just gonna take her if she flys in with her ult. not even diamond to top 500 cuz its so hard to react 2, not mentioning you would have to find her first.

5 man rez was in no way,shape, or form an ult that required any sort of intelligence to get value out of. Simply tell your team to all die on point, go in, 5 man rez. Man dont even wait for 5 to die, just wait a tiny bit for like 2-3 deaths then go in for the momentum rez, little to no counterplay at all. if we did cc or kill the mercy then were just stuck repeating the same process for each team fight. the best way to stop mercy team rez was to actually solo ult her in most cases before she could get her ult off, leaving your team a few ults down in the next fight.

With a small cast time that issue would be easily fixed. Either way mass rez is still really powerful and I think her ult should be reworked instead considering how difficult balancing it would be. Plus a lot of people hate is so putting it back even with changes would be a disaster. Her ult right now isn’t fun to play so imo it needs to be changed. Not buffed, statistically it’s fine, but just replaced with anything else.

That is like saying soldier is the gateway to dps and making him under powered in some areas

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Her rework is fine, though I feel like her healing could be slightly bumped up during her ultimate. If my co-healer is reliable, I love chasing down them snipez and Pharahs and killin them dead.

well, he kinda is. He can definitly has that high impact ability an people who can play him rly well will do well. He basically call of duty so he’s an easy to pick up hero if someone who nvr played mobas or other types of fps games to do. He relates most to that popular shooter so he’s an easy to understand dps. Also every hero is underpowered in some areas, that just part of counter playing(or i guess counter picking cuz that seems to be what overwatch is truly about now adays).

I have met a lot of mercy mains, who like mercy as she is.

I’m still a Mercy main, sort of, and am having a wonderful time! Occasionally I have to hide behind corners, which is boring, but primarily I’m out there dodgin’ wrenches and making shot calls.

Granted, I’m still in Gold and the snipers aren’t that great at picking me off. I hear that higher ranks are a crap storm of bullets and arrows, so I’m pretty excited about that… :wink:

I completely disagree. I think Mercy is fun and that her rework is a resounding success.

Please don’t. There are many people, like myself, that are very happy with these changes.

true honestly, overwatch used to be more about skill based match ups instead of hard counter now it like it doesnt matter that much about skill more about what team can counter the other the best.

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