I don't mean to beat a dead horse but

Mercy is really boring and her rework failed. Please revert or rework her, it’s been a year and no one is happy


Why did they even rework her?


There is like 29 chars in the roster. 30th coming? Why not play something you like?


Mercy is really fun and balanced and her rework was a success. She’s still strong but far less forgiving now.


Ahm old mercy had less abilities,how would reverting her help lol?


I don’t play her anymore, I just wish she was fun so I could play her again


Everyone asking for Mercy revert just wants mass rez back. Not that I’m opposed!! I would love having mass rez back. At least then it was a freaking ult that she had to charge up and WORK for as it should have been all along.

Now it’s stupid. Get a pick that could start a snowball at the start of the match? Oh sorry Mercy can rez that instantly now. She just has rez ready. She doesn’t need to work for it at all.

If anything all her old mass rez needed was some tweaks. Maybe a decreased range, possibly slower charge time, and require LoS with dead bodies so that she can’t rez from behind walls.


Exactly, even if she became weaker as long as she’s enjoyable


I think old Mercy was more enjoyable for sure. In a way rez had more thought that needed to go into it back then too. Back then she had to think, do I use rez now when just two people are dead? Is this team fight something we can still win with the people we have? Is it better to save it for now?

Now it’s just “if I can safely GA to the target blow that rez baby”. There’s almost no thought that goes into rez now. It’s basically an ability that should always be on cooldown if you can safely pull it off.


Cast time, super slow, easily counterable res on E… is instant/no skill compared to a instant cast mass res that you charge up with holding left click? Okay then buddy lol.


Old mercy had to do her job to charge her ult. She had to do work if she wanted to reverse a death. Yes her rez now is brainless and requires no skill whatsoever.

Having to charge it up by “just holding left click” takes way more effort then tapping shift and E.


Except now she is vulnerable during it and it takes time to cast. Many, many Mercies die while trying to get the res off. They then cost the team the main healer so it takes far more skill.


It was the same before invulnerability. Counter-play was available and you had to charge it. No one wants invulnerability back that was a disaster

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Naaaah. She’s fine as it is. I’m happy with her
And don’t put words in others’ mouths.


1.0 is really boring and failed.
If you say otherwise, you’re the problem. 8)


Personally I liked 1.0 better than this but that’s my opinion. She was statistically worse back then but I don’t care much for raw stats I’d rather play a fun hero than one that’s “good”

Hiding afk in a corner and getting flamed for not doing that is a weird definition of fun, but you do you.

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Ex Mercy main here, I never play her anymore and on the off chance I do, I almost never use valk as there’s really no point. The most enjoyment I get is from slingshotting around and pistol whipping people but battle Mercy is now frowned upon as well even though Jeff encouraged it in the dev update that introduced valk.

The reason why old Mercy got reworked was entirely Blizzs fault as they thought her pickrate was too low back in season 2 and 3 so they buffed the hell out of her and gave her invulnerability which threw her way outta wack and instead of fixing their mistake they just thought the change it. Like purposely giving someone the cold and treating them for cancer to get rid of it.

But yknow, heaven forbid any support or tank mains for that matter have any fun playing the game.


I never liked playing mercy so I never played. There is other chars to pick if you dont like one or two. If you dont like 29 chars then you have a problem.

Admittedly, I like playing Mercy sometimes but I couldn’t do it regularly. It is really satisfying to finish off a low HP enemy with her, and then the have to watch that mess in the kill cam and it’s on the kill feed. Fantastic.

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