I don't know how active the devs are in reading this, but have you guys ever tried doing more than 6 heroes in your experiments?

Considering the amount of money Overwatch brings in, money shouldn’t be an issue

Jesus christ. I couldn’t imagine the comms.

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No one beats Bethesda though.

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That’s actually an important point… voice comms in these large raid groups are crazy. Humans generally can work with a quick memory of seven things, so 6-7 is about the right team number. Beyond that things start to get… weird.

Alas, we both know the Activision suits will squeeze every penny cuz heaven forbid they don’t get that 10th yacht.

More than straight cash though, I’m thinking of “resources” more in the sense of limited devs and their time (and seemingly quite a bit of it) being pulled away from other work and they’re bound to already be stretched with OW2. And of course, any team composition is going to throw balance into the wind all over again.

I’m personally inclined to believe it would be worth it in the long run, but I can definitely see why they’d want to avoid it. I do wonder if the response to 1/3/2 might’ve made them any more inclined towards it though.