Double shield is much lower effort-value than any ball comp. That’s why
Sure, if they’re running orisa sigma we could run ball and stand a chance. But why would we do that for all that effort for a fighting chance when we could just mirror for way less effort? That’s generally how overwatch metas work. Except dive.
no, this is one of the most bs things ive ever heard, ana wasnt played because she was bad, and honestly she still is bad just a little less bad because dva is bad
ball comps require insane coordination, high mechanics, people on your team who can play 2 of the most skill intensive heroes in the game, being tracer and ball, and being able to appropriately follow up
double shield is an easy comp, it generally requires you to play the right heroes in the right place and dont feed, and with it being easier that means its harder to catch them making mistakes and its harder for the more skilled comp which has more room for error to get value against it, since one mistake makes it fall apart if its caught out
2shield was also played back then when Sig and Orisa had their original values and people did not had a problem with it because it was not run very often… why? Because other off tanks had more impact. If you constantly nerf off tanks and nerf all shield equally what do you think happened?
Ball Sigma is one of the comps with the highest skill ceilling, teams also stopped scrimming doubleshield after the brig nerfs. It was just very dominating before the brig nerfs and thats what people anoyed
You want the real reason? It’s to justify keeping heroes people don’t like in the gutter.
If double barrier is meta, than it’s OK to keep characters like Brig and Orisa garbage. Who cares about their pick rates and win rates, OWL is using them, so they’re fine! Leave them trash so I never have to deal with them!
If DB ISN’T meta, than we have to acknowledge that these characters aren’t that great right now and probably need help. And there are people who will FLIP OUT when that happens, because they hate playing against them that much. DB is a convenient scapegoat to keep them bad, so they are going to make every bad faith argument they can to convince people that it’s meta, or WILL be meta the second these characters are touched.
From observing Contenders, open tournaments, and various GM streams, I think double shield is meta, but only on certain maps. It appears very prevalent on Assault maps and the first point of some Hybrid maps. You see a lot more tank variety on Escort and Control Point maps.
I think we can cancel the alerts set off by multiple content creators.
GM has been consistently stuck in Double Shield for over 2 months now iirc.
Source: GM player(s), streamers, and content creators in addition to my own experience and that of my similarly-ranked friends.
“The stats” don’t mean ^$#@ because of things like Kings Row.
Even if the META is Dive, you probably run Rein on Kings Row because of all the sightlines you have. Just pick Lucio and go, if even that.
It is definitely going down now that Rein got overbuffed needlessly, when Lucio and/or D.Va were the ones who needed to be buffed. No one else needs to be changed to shift the META off Double Shield.
Buffing Defense Matrix makes D.Va better at countering Spam, meaning she can Dive on her own (using her in Brawl to contest high ground), or in Dive comps to sustain the comp.
Buffing Lucio directly buffs heroes with lackluster mobility, like Reinhardt – because they can now close the gap effectively.