I dont care about my rank anymore, do you?

Hey, so after almost 4 years of overwatch, how many of you who are playing from release actualy still care about rank or going higher?

I will try to share my experience too. I play OW pretty much nonstop from release, if i had break from it, it was max like week not logging and playing on one of my accounts. Many my ow friends left the game long time ago, some login in very rarely just to do placement for fun, few is still playing actively. I actualy know only one long time player on my friend list who is trying to actively climb, make it to gm. I have few accounts myself and i climbed on them into diamond several times. But i have bad habit of stopping to play on the account when i reach diamond or certain place where i feel like i reached my limits. Deep inside i feel like i could achiev masters but i cant force myself to try hard enough and sacrifice certain things to try and go for it. I am not young anymore, reaching diamond on every role on different accounts is simply enough for me. Main reason why i play ow is fun and relax. When i am playing on my highest achieve rank i have to play at 100% giving all my energy into it and i will be tired after several games, every slight thing like leaver or smurf will frustrate me a lot after playing at 100% so it takes a lot of energy to stay calm. And i dont like it.

I achieved my rank goals and this morning i decided to not care about rank and sr anymore. Its not worth the frustration any longer. I have to find something else to focus now because i still love playing ow and comp mode. Maybe will i set my goal to play every single hero in game for 100 hours or something like that lol. I will still play mostly comp, i will not just care if i win or lose anymore.

Btw many of you here see me posting frequently, a lot arguing with people who blame system, rigged matchmaking and stuff like that. I am done with arguing with others, you think rigged matchmaking is a thing? Fine by me, believe what you want, i will not try to convince you that its nonsense. Its really waste of time. But i was always doing that for people to explain them how things really are, not for the fun to just argue and fight with people. This forum is going to hell really lately as every day i see countless of topic full of complaining about pretty much everything.

Just wanted to share my feelings about OW comp and ow forum. Feel free to add anything. And maybe share your story or your drives why you still play comp and trying to climb.


Do you like to be in your rank? Are you happy in it?


Not really. I gave up on it long time ago. People can say ā€œgit gudā€ a hundred times, if you get newbies on your team with this high on level or alts to completely alter your MMR out of control, you cant do anything in your power to be in the rank that matches your true skills. Im happy with it to be honest. I hear frequently that Plat is the most toxic rank in the entirety of the game.


You can, but that my issue about climbing higher. If you want to climb, you have to do a lot, practice, learn new stuff, grind and play every game at 100%. Not many people can do that consistently.

Kind of, high gold/low plat is one of the worst places. High plat is good usualy.

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Though I think I should work towards getting better, I ultimately donā€™t care about my rank.
I donā€™t let that Iā€™m bronze get me downā€¦I realize that despite having the game for 3 years, Iā€™ve played so little off and on, that I really have only had just over 20 hours on each character I play (and 12 on Ashe) so Iā€™m basically a beginner at comp despite my level.


On my account in plat I care , so I dont play it that often because leavers and getting the occasional elitist who thinks they are so great cause theyā€™ve touched diamond once in their life . I dont really care on my bronze or silver accounts, use to care , but the community down there is pretty bad and salty and quick to judge everyone instead of their own gameplay.

Rank is a joke. People escape q times and ruin ranks


I always thought if Blizzard wanted to care more there needed to be some better reward than golden gun points, icons or an Sr number. Some sort of worthwhile recognition.

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Tbh, I never really cared about your rank that much :wink:


True, I dont see anything worth trying to achiev higher rank. Only thing I would like to have is better team cooperation as high ranks have.

Haha good one :smiley:


Nah. I can sleep my way to Diamond but I donā€™t care about the game enough anymore to really make a run at masters. DPS queue times are too long to really rank up with it. So I only really play when Iā€™m feeling the need to FPS tank, which is an itch no other game really scratches for me.

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I care just enough to not go to comp and throw till i reach bronze. Otherwise, no, i donā€™t really care about rank too much. The game has just become too frustrating and filled with cc and other cheese for me to be able to take comp seriously.

Used to play the game daily, probably an unhealthy amount even. Now i do a couple of qp matches a week and move on to something else.

Recent patches do look promising however. I might even consider playing ranked again if this balancing trend continues.

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I think the thing about this game is that it was first and foremost designed to be a game for dedicated teams. Thatā€™s really not an accessible kind of game for the general population, never mind that thereā€™s a stigma about video games only being for people that are immature, and there isnā€™t a single video game that involves PvP that disproves that stigma. Letā€™s face it, the internet can bring out the best in people, but it can also bring out the absolute worst.

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You also forgot to add you need amazing player RNG where you get healers who focus heal and tanks who both donā€™t select dive tanks and jump in solo and die in 2 secs. Not to mention not have leavers etc.

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I almost never cared. I just try my best in games and thats it. Yes, it did feel great to hit plat on tank+dps when I started on low gold with themā€¦ but I never stressed about the ranks either. My support has always been quite firmly in low-mid plat and thats fine.

I just try to play better and thats enough for me. In the end its just a number on a videogame.

I always feel cheated of my time because the matchmaking is usually trying to push me down by forcing me to hard-carry all the matches.
Why should I need to invest the triple amount of time it deserves just to climb 100 SR?

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im trying so hard and im not happy at all senpai! but im on it since 2-3 months, i feel my rank games are not ā€˜ā€˜realā€™ā€™ overwatch, but then i see t500 saying the same and i end up wondering, maybe this is itā€¦ anyways is really hard to spot all the little errors and stop doing them. Also i feel a little that you not hard trying is kind of a betrayal for those in your match that try to climb, but i guess you will drop ranks and eventually get in a new spot that fits your ā€˜ā€˜non tryhardā€™ā€™ playstayle.

Nah I hit Master before role Q one tricking McCree and also on tank a few seasons ago. Iā€™m pretty sure that is my limit so I have no desire or motivation to ever hit GM. I think I enjoy the plat-low diamond SR range the most. I still try to win obviously but I just donā€™t really care if my SR goes up or down anymore. Letā€™s face it the whole system is busted and rigged anyway.

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I donā€™t care the least bit anymore. Ranking up use to be the main goal but now I realize on console weā€™re all just running on a hamster wheel inside a snow globe.

The competitive integrity of this game has been dismantled by M+KB players, Smurfs, throwers, boosters, toxic players, etc. There is no real incentive to play on the platform anymore that outweigh the bad.

The devs donā€™t care much about Console anymore, they didnā€™t balance separately like they said they would, they wont acknowledge smurfs at all, it took them YEARS to give us better aim settings. No pro scene, personalities/YTbers/streamers only play PC, PC players are invited to Blizzard to play, engage, collab, etc but we are not.

OW is something to pass the time at this point, and thatā€™s if you want to deal with the stress.

We donā€™t make Blizzard enough money anymore, we are not the main platform of focus, we do not matter.

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Nope donā€™t care. For a while I wanted to bring all three SRs up to 4k, but ultimately decided it requires too much commitment and a love for the game which I just donā€™t have any longer. One role at the top is enough for me.

But at the same time, even though I had rank goals, I didnā€™t focus on my rank as hard as a lot of people do. Rank comes and goes, and as long as I was having fun, thatā€™s what mattered and what kept me playing. Improving is fun, but playing with friends is more fun, and thatā€™s all Iā€™m going to do from now on.

I care about my Sr but Im slowly stopping caring.

I can tells games a loss within the first 30 seconds of a game when the enemy majority is better than mine and I know I canā€™t cover that big of a skill issue.