I don’t understand

I finally win 1 game in the 2 hours I’ve beem playing comp and the next game after that is an immediate trash game. Teammates are complete garbage cannot kill anything shields not shielding etc like wtf. U can’t put me with this godly team that coordinates and knows what to do and then the next game throw me into the complete opposite of that. That’s not fair at all. It doesn’t matter how well I can do at healer, if the rest of the team is getting as much healing as possible and still dying then I can’t be blamed for the loss. That’s on them for not switching when their being countered, not grouping, going in one by one etc .


It’s a rare occurance to find 6 random people that somehow work together super well.


And I understand that, that’s the down side of solo Queue. But there’s never any LFGs open on console and when there are their not usually very good.


Yeah LFG was a bigger bust than the Nintendo Virtual Boy

once people realized it was nothing more than throw groups, or group leaders with psychotic control issues booting everyone who doesn’t fit their strict criteria, or weird fetishists looking for e-sex/RP it went down in flames


Maybe when you get a team like that, add them?

Been there done that everyone’s like oh wow u were good at mercy imma add u and everyone adds each other and talk about playing again and nobody ever invites or anything ever again


ranked isn’t fair, stop complaining, learn to carry, “gitgud”

U can’t carry as healer plain and simple.

Yeah, it’s rare to add someone and play with them again. I at least ignore all adds from games now unless we had at least a few games together and things went well.

Also you can carry as a healer, it’s just generally harder. As the saying goes “You can’t heal stupid”.

I mean a DPS pops off and they usually can win the game with minor help. A healer poping off means nothing if your dps still can’t secure kills.


Maybe talk to them and ask if they want to duo? idk I never seem to have trouble grouping with people if the last game was good. Maybe people just don’t like playing with you for whatever reason?

No the issue isn’t people not wanting to group I have no problem with that… we group for about 5-6 games then everyone gets off and literally everyone who added me and told me they want to
Play again can see that I’m on and they never invite me. They don’t play with the other ppl they added on the team as well. I don’t understand why 5 other ppl all group up and say we all should play again and add everyone just to never invite any of them again like do y’all just want friends in ur friends list like?

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Maybe invite them yourself? Your literally complaining about them doing something you could easily do yourself.

I shouldn’t have to do anything. They’re the ones who insisted on playing again. If they want to play then they can send an invite.

I went 15-1 as Ana last season
solo q
P sure you can carry as healer :tea:

Okay so whats your goal here?

You want to play with people, but refuse to make any attempt to play with them.

No, the issue is you. It’s not your team. I solo queue without voice comms Ana only on smurf and climb it up to diamond like every season, it’s not hard.

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Sometimes as a support, you carry but you can’t lift the titanic. There is sometimes teamfights… That get lost… It is beyond me. 3 enemies dead, rest has antinade, our team gets healed.one enemy dps kills 4 of us singlehandedly. I’m tired of having to shoot pharahs as ana. I’m tired of having to do everything at once. I’m tired to turn into a healbot, cause people just look for the most dmg they can collect in their faces. I’m tired of sleep darting nanoblade, reapers, nanorein, Bob etc. To get killed by exactly that, cause people can’t let it either sleep or finish it. I’m tired of people running out of my trance. A team fight starting while I come out of the spawn and I’m not there… The lower the rank, the worse a supports life is.


You’re losing because you’re spending too much time focusing on your team’s mistakes than the enemy team’s

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That’s great for you. But you are not in my games. Every game is completely garbage with dps who can’t kill and tanks who play dps that has nothing to do with me. I can heal just fine, but when the team isn’t coordinating and just rushing in one by one and getting wiped out that has nothing to do with me. I may not be the greatest healer of all time but I know when it’s my fault and when I underperform and these games lately have not been because of me.

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