I don’t understand why Colony and Paris was removed

I’d rather you didn’t play Comp and make people who’ve had to wait a long time to get a match go through that again. If you feel that strongly about Numbani then stick to modes with backfill.

People wouldn’t have to wait so long if they were more flexable but that’s a topic for another thread.

People really hated them, particularly Paris. Horizon is a really unbalanced map where the first part and the second part demand completely different skills and heroes, and while I don’t personally understand what everyone hates about Paris it is pretty much universally hated.

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A streamer said Paris sucked, all the sheep that watched started going 'paris sucks!´, people then heard this in their games and started believing it. Humans have always been like this, look at that fairytale ‘emporerer’s new clothes’.

I’ve never been a fan of either, and I don’t pay attention to streamers. I speak from my own experience. HLC 1.0 was the worst. The rework fixed it a little, but it’s still one of the maps I dread playing on. I’d take Paris over HLC any day.

And Paris point A will always favour defenders heavily.

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good question! plz geoff, remove 'em from qp too!


I’ll add that personally HLC is my least favorite map of the lot. I really, really hate point A. It’s a complete wrapped gift to every sniper in the game, and the total lack of cover makes tanking miserable.

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It wasn’t just about fairness, its about enjoyment. According to the devs, attackers win the most on Paris, according to the community, Paris attack is worth leaving over.

This is coming from someone who likes Horizon btw

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I honestly find attacking on Paris much easier than defending,

That being said I just hate defending on 2CP as the first point is always just a stagger for the real fight which is point B lol

I hate LC because of Point A’s shape. And point B’s crap all over the place to block sights. Paris, screw that choke and plat form. And screw the fountain area wasting time. Than screw the point B for getting back to the point. They made every wall and corner waste your time. Every defense map does that. But Paris B visually shows you how moronic the building is made.

Watchpoint final spawn. You have to go up a turning staircase. It wastes time. But that’s ALL YOU DO. Not turn, turn, turn turn, hallway, WALL in your way of the point, than you finally are outside.

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Really? I think that Point A on Paris favours attackers.

Defenders 9 times out of 10 will be sat the choke defending, but if you have a fast team comp, you can pretty much run the defense around and secure point (at least in my experience).

Point A on Paris reminds of me Point A on Volskaya (shoutout to Volskaya for being the best 2CP map :heart_eyes:).

But what I mean is that you’re detached from the point when you’re defending on those maps, but on every other 2CP map, the point is pretty much at the choke for Defense.

It’s also very easy to throw someone off point on Paris as Point A isn’t confined (or even booo them off the map) but in maps like Colony, Hanamura, Anubis, that space is very confined and often ends where the wall starts.

Idk, that’s just my thought process

Not so sure about colony I actually like that map.

But Paris is a terrible map.

imagine thinking competitive isn’t supposed to be fun

It’s not, that’s why a lot of people that get drawn into it end up getting burned out. lol

Eh, it depends on the enemy team’s comp I suppose. If it’s double shield + Bastion with a Baptiste, then it can be super annoying.

Otherwise, Paris is a beautiful map, but it can use some tweaking. And HLC is a whole other can of worms.

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