I do not want a phone contract just to play a videogame

I paid for the ow2 watchpoint package and can not access it because my phone isn’t prepaid :confused:


You should probably try reading the Terms of Service you agreed to when you logged into the game. There are no grounds to sue.

You did not buy the game. You do not “own” Overwatch 1, Blizzard does. You purchased permission to access a game that Blizzard owns fully. They can revoke your access or shut down the game they own at any time.

This isn’t 1998, where you bought your copy of Spyro the Dragon and therefore own and can play the game so long as your disc works. The ignorance around this subject never ceases to amaze me.


This is a terrible idea - because you don’t own Overwatch 1. You paid a fee to access the game. That’s it.

Read your Terms of Service, people.

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Thanks for that useless shilling of Blizzard, I’m sure they appreciate you.

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So, facts you don’t like = shilling?

Tell me you are maybe 14 years old without telling me you’re maybe 14 years old.


Read the Terms of Service, pumpkin. It’s all there and you agreed to it.

(edit for typo)


I have a prepaid phone but my number is verified by blizzard, like there’s a tick in front of it , will ow2 still won’t work?

Hey, if you or they can come up with a better alternative I’m all for it (I’ve already made a thread to suggest my idea). But otherwise I’ll take the current system over nothing at all, so I suppose that’s where we differ.

Take a seat, cupcake. Blizzard doesn’t need you to to defend their indefensible BS.

Not everything written in a EULA is some unbreakable thing written in stone, so it’s hilarious that anyone thinks that alone means you can never have a case against a company. Many of them go way over a line of what’s reasonable and just haven’t been challenged in court.

But anyway, I’d still encourage anyone who is losing access to a game they paid for to file a complaint at:


I’d also throw in ftc.gov/complaint

What Blizzard is doing is borderline theft/fraud and if it goes unchallenged it will set a new precedent for how poorly game developers can treat paying customers. OW2 isn’t the first game to require SMS, but it is the first time Blizzard has removed access to a product you paid for (that still exists, regardless of the re-brand).


You’re moderately amusing. Maybe not that well read, but amusing counts for something, I guess.

Adding this - You should TOTALLY go spend some money on a lawyer to look into this.

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I have no doubt that a competent lawyer would find holes in the EULA and maybe find grounds to sue for misleading advertising.

since it was never made clear in the advertising that you pay to access the game as a service. It was advertised as you pay for the game, and that’s it.

So yes, if enough people complain, and enough lawyers get their heads together to find loopholes, blizzard could definitely find themselves in a legal battle.

If we allow this to go unchallenged then this sets a new precedent for mistreatment of paying customers.

I have no problem with the requirement for a phone number. What I do have a problem with is the fact that they are deleting the previous game that we paid for. And then forcing all sorts of new restrictions in order for us to access the replacement game.

Activision blizzard has already found themselves at the tail end of a legal battle regarding misdemeanours within the company. They really, really do not want another one on their hands. In fact I doubt they have the energy to fight yet another lawsuit. Given the reputation that they have made for themselves it wouldn’t surprise me at all if a judge ruled against them.


also, lets not act like people play tf2’s actual competitive mode
you just go join a server with competitive rules


On a side note
For a game that everyone says is going to be bad and they arent going to play
a lot of people want to play this game


20 percent or more people are getting shafted for what is a small annoyance to a small number of people and you act smug.



BTW, Cricket phone plans will also lock you out. It is not even pre-paid, just an unlimited plan.

100% I was HYPED for overwatch 2, telling everyone about it played all the beta.
but this positive gamer, forced phone linking bs completely killed my motivation to play.


Like not even kidding my wallet was ready, and I don’t even want to play now.

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Honestly sorry for anyone who knows you in real life. The insufferable level must be overwhelming.

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You didn’t pay for a game. You paid for access to the servers where a game they owned resided.

You all can rabble rabble grab the pitchforks and scream “but mah rights!” all you want. None of that changes the fact that every time you access Battlenet or Overwatch, you agree to a certain set of terms. In fact, the very first thing you agree to when you use Bnet is a binding arbitration agreement, in which you give up your right to sue (including class action) in favor of arbitration.

Judging from your spelling, you don’t appear to be from the US, so your rights in your country of residence (I’m guessing Canada) may be different.

One last thing - This isn’t an episode of Judge Judy. Active judges in a court of law do not rule based on reputations. They rule based on the law.

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Source please? Otherwise, you’re just pulling garbage out of your, um, pocket.

My friends like me just fine. You’re just mad because I didn’t jump on your pity party bandwagon.

Like I said in another reply, please go spend your money on a lawyer to sue Blizzard instead of finding another game or buying a phone. I really want to know how that works out for you.

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I can’t even add my phone number! So now I can’t play/ wtf