I climbed with a negative win Rate, you wont force me into your toxic behaviour!

https: //www . dexerto. com/overwatch/jeff-kaplan-responds-to-overwatch-players-matchmaking-patent-concerns-1422598/

he didn’t confirm or deny it on purpose.

remove spaces… apparently no links? lmao

If they use it why wouldn’t he confirm it?

Besides if he denied it you know as well as I that all the theorists would just be out here screaming “LIAR!”

At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re tired of the theorists and have chosen to just ignore them. I don’t blame them one bit.

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It’s an interesting point and suggests there could be some truth to Overwatch’s matchmaker purposefully putting weaker players on teams in an effort to balance out the game. <— even said it above the longer it takes to locate a match the worse and worse of a experience you will receive.

However, at least it’s good to know that things like voice chat don’t play a role when it comes to determining how teams are assembled and matched.

what ever you say though, lol.

Lol. Yes because game journalists are so strongly known for their great integrity and would never simply push or alter a story to get clicks. But whatever you say.

The main concern brought up by the theorist on Twitter was that the game holds “small pieces of data (i.e. voice-chat use, chat use, rage-quitting)” a clear privacy issue which was addressed.

The same article you’re trying to use as evidence also said

This all said, while there is no indication that this system is used with Overwatch, that didn’t stop a thread with Prototype’s findings to be posted on Reddit.

The fact that the guy even went to say that he “purposefully avoided” mentioning anything else shows how far they’re stretching. Good to know they were there talking to Jeff when he told them that he was purposefully not doing something.

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there’s no indication cause they wont release accurate data…

Or because it isn’t actually the case…

Gotta love when people try to use no evidence to the contrary as evidence for a connection.

Besides you’re conveniently ignoring the other bit. Ya know about purchasable in game items that effect gameplay and matching people with and against people that have it in order to influence people to buy it. Or do you know of a skin that buffs me??

Ya know what games have things you can purchase that actually effect gameplay? Destiny and CoD.

literally every rein skin is purchasable andd has a massively different glitch… also you do realize blizzard could have placed these purchasable material standards before they decided to go against pay to win game play right?? or even preemptively for things like ow2 itemizations.

Really? Another person that believes this is the OW patent, even while it states in-game purchases directly impact game play and several other aspects that have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with OW. I mean did you even read the thing? Or just skim through and find the things that fit what you want to prove as facts?

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Just smh, I’m done with the stupidity here on the forums, I’ll lurk and silently make fun of people.

So, you can pick the skin you want from the lootboxes? Without having to randomly get one, or the coins to pick it? Does Blizzard promote this “glitches” as in-game improvements?

you do realize maptypes effect winrtates and you can have a positive “winrate” with it actuallly being a negative in game win rate right?? i regularly bully pick ana in pickphase so i dont have to deal w her afk sightlines… records show i have 22 wins and zero loses on ana and yet i have a 0% winrate…

if i play rein and we get the payload all three points on attack… and then i switch to mercy for defense and full hold it will show 25% winrate mercy bcus she won a quarter of that match and not the whole gg.

yes blizzard does announce hey this new skin your shatter should go straight up that wall NOTHING TO SEE HERE

Sigh, this sounds more like something that should be reported as a bug, instead of being exploited to where people are willing to believe in something so silly as that patent.

And yes I realize you were going for sarcasm, you failed horribly in that aspect though.

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Congrats on the climb homie, unfortunately this thread is going to get taken over now by trolls and conspiracy theorists with the CoD/Destiny patent.


If the system actually did work that way (higher stats = dud teammates next match) you’d be able to game the system by deliberately tanking your stats in games you were sure to lose - shooting at walls and feeding nonstop - to get better teammates the next game so you could win. Try it and see what happens. I guarantee you it doesn’t play out the way your reasoning says it will.


If the developers at Blizzard were able to tell the future as you seem to be implying then why are they making videogames and not out winning the lotto or something that would actually make them rich?

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You have to do the opposite, not participating much, not dying, keeping good aim, less feeding, so it means you “carry” less in matches where you are supposed to loose to keep PBSR positive. You can see people doing so, less interaction and initiative once it becomes too difficult to win. Trying hard would mean lesser quality in stats and less PBSR, but that is what would be required to turn things around in a loosing match.

In the end most players have 50% winrate (±5%), so it means stats with PBSR rule ranking a lot below diamond, and also it takes so much time to grind SR.

Why do you care about some kind of patent? If you are better than others, you will climb. End of story. If patent is used for OW or not is not important.

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Because i like legal talk, i like seeing the little loop holes they put in them it’s just like reverse engineering… it’s interesting to see what others do/create. Mind you I agree with you there but the system they do have in place again gives you worse and worse teammates to push you back down instead of harder enemies it’s kinda really just weird and if that isn’t the correct patent I’m willing for anyone to point my at the right one to read. :man_shrugging:t2:idk don’t kink shame. :face_with_head_bandage:

edit: mind you i also agree on the advancing part no matter what every time i do placements i go up another 200+ SR so idc about that I just like to see the back end of stuff instead of just taking people at their word which is a very very bad idea…