I can't wait for Space Ranger ⊂(♡⌂♡)⊃

I’m usually not so optimistic about Overwatch’s content these days, but there’s just something about the upcoming character “Space Ranger” that has reignited my interest and, honestly, my excitement for the game.

Even before I knew or heard anything about the character’s abilities, I was already thrilled that she was going to be an addition, just from her aesthetic alone, but then I saw the interview with Spilo and Alec Dawson where he said that she was going to be a high-mobility character, and oml, that’s just the icing on the cake.

What would make her truly perfect for me is that if you had to track your allies with her primary fire to heal them, that would absolutely be amazing. That probably won’t be how her kit functions, and her healing is more than likely going to be ability-oriented, but then again, one can dream. Lol

Anywho, what do you think of this upcoming character? :pleading_face:


I loathe her design (looks like exactly the same flavor we already have multiple copies of) and the fact that she seems to be yet another total random who will have zero connection to the main setting or any other characters.

On the other hand, high mobility and utility is right up my alley so I expect I’ll love her for game-play if nothing else. Fingers crossed her gun is high-aim and closer ranged.


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. :joy:


Purple hair, orange and blue outfit. Gross. If she’s fun I’ll play her but I don’t like her aesthetic at all.

Illari’s secondary scratches that itch as far as I’m concerned. I’d rather have another Lucio that pairs well with supports that Lucio doesn’t, such as one of the ten million Mercys around.


I just can’t wait for teams to come out of spawn on Dva/Echo/Pharah/Mercy/Ranger and there be absolutely nothing on their team I can even shoot at.

It sounds so fun and engaging.


Her sexy design?


She lookin’ MIGHTY FINE!

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I don’t even mind cutesy waifus per se, I just feel terribly starved of other types.

Where’s are my Talon Supports? Null Sector (fem omnic would be amazing)? Where are the pretty boys (Failweaver does not count) with remotely fun kits? :sob:

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There are literally more talon supports, Omnic, and pretty boy healers than cutesy waifu types… You ain’t starved of nothing except for fun kits. That applies to all of the roles though. At least once Blizzard is through with them.

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i just hope we dont get moth meta crew with pharah mercy and space ranger

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Illari’s healing is a short-ranged beam, so there’s not a whole lot of tracking involved.

I’m talking more like how Sombra’s SMG or Soldier’s rilfe functions, where if I had a Genji or Mercy zipping around my screen at Mach 10, I could shoot at them from a distance and heal them so long as I’m tracking them.

Just hit your shots 4 head. :joy:

Yeah, no, I do agree. They definitely need to start opening the doors to other types of support than what we’re currently getting. Also, they really shouldn’t have made Echo a DPS. Lol

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Still need another robot/omnic support. Gotta be able to assemble Team Oil Change.


I hope she has the summoning ability that Bastion had during the mirrorwatch event. We don’t need another DPS support, we need someone unique like Lifeweaver. He’s broken but he’s unique.

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Out of 10 Supports, 4 are cutie pie waifus and the 11th will make 5 and will make 3 straight waifu releases. 6/10 are female. We have one single Talon and the others are all 100% good. One omnic. You can argue the dudes to a degree I suppose, but none of them are really my cup of tea and certainly not to my kit preferences.

Don’t you dare try to tell me I ain’t ravenous out here.


Okay, I am going to sound dumb, but I do not care… Who are the other cutie pie supports outside of Mercy and Kiriko? I am lost, bro.


zenyatta obviously

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She looks awesome, and I can’t wait to see what her kit will be like. Though, I have to express my mild disappointment that she is yet another waifu support. I would like a burly male support hero that isn’t necessarily a cutie patootie like Lucio and Lifeweaver.

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Brigitte? Illari? My brother in Christ, you need your eyes checked.

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Ah, I see. I am just not that into the Overwatch waifu if I am being honest. Not my cup of tea.

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will be interesting to see her final design. it is a wierd mismatch of colors tho heh

anyways a fan made potg animation


But see, this is why we need all the tea types. And coffee too! :yum:

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