I can't rank up but my friend can

I and my friend are playing together. He has a new account while I’m playing from OW1. We queued up for open role competitive together and I was placed in Bronze 5 whereas he was placed in Silver 5.
Then we started playing in the role queue as support. We played every game together and I was placed in Bronze 5 while he was placed in Bronze 2. We won 7 games while losing a few in between and he was promoted to Silver 5 directly while I wasn’t promoted at all. After promotion, I was still Bronze 5. Am I doing something wrong or did I understand something wrong or is there any issue with my account?
Thank you for reading my problem.


Friend has the same problem. Never ranking up even played the same games as me


Same here :frowning: Been that since start

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I am having weird bugs or technical issues with my rank. I got 5 wins and only one loss yet I stayed in the same rank. Meanwhile, my friend who started at the same point did rank up. The ranking has been very buggy for me. I have proof that I went 5-1 in support as I took pictures of everything. It’s slightly upsetting because I don’t want to have to make a new account. PLEASE HELP. I can send photos if you need them.

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A link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.