I cannot fathom the thinking of the developers

Seriously? She is an absolute trash tier pick at the moment, to the point where she’s literally the least played character in GM in the last week.

And what about Symmetra? Got an unnecessary nerf to her turrets previously and despite being designed to shred shields was still a bottom tier pick in a double shield meta, now that shields are going to be severely nerfed she gets no changes at all?

I get that balance changes aren’t easy, but come on, what more does there need to be to comprehend how bad these two heroes are and that tiny little tweaks do very little at all.

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I’m still waiting for the day that as Symmetra I can win a fight with my primary weapon.

LOL it’ll never happen.


The sledgehammer shield tank nerfs and THIS is what you’re concerned about??? The fact that they didn’t unneccesarily buff D.va to OP “Great at absolutely everything” levels??

You should be grateful D.va got something at all and she didn’t get a nerf in return, unlike literally every other barrier tank bar Winston and technically Zarya

She got a direct buff with armor being better now calm your boobies


Yeah the key was to play with your shield tank so they couldn’t damage you, but without a shield what are you even supposed to do, what are you even meant to charge your primary fire up with if there’s little to no shields, regardless of what the meta changes it’s very likely she’ll be even worst.

??? This is a huge buff to D.va?

Stronger armour and more DM availability?

Those were the reasons she fell off so hard when they were nerfed

Everyone always forgets Sombra.

But I want Dva back in Lucio land where they get to be Meta picks in nearly every comp imaginable. :rofl:

Yup but in a less shielded meta she’ll be a lot stronger, Orisa/Hog and Orisa/Sigma are the worst tank combos for her to be against, I know her pickrate will improve without these tank combos around, unlike Sym who will definitely be worst off

Oh, you sweet, summer child.

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Well the thing is - okay, you’re Sym right? You’re meant to ‘charge your beams on shields’ - that requires you to:

  1. have a shield to stand behind yourself
  2. have that shield be close enough to the shield you’re supposed to be melting
  3. Somehow melt the shield in no time at all even though every time this exact scenario has played out in game, the enemy shield’s dps just walk forward and kill me before I can do literally anything about it? Damage takes so long to ramp up that by the time you even get your beam started to charge you have a Reaper or Hanzo just walking forward to shoot you in the face and BOOM ya dead.

Absolute BEST case scenario is you have a map where you can convince your shield tank to kind of clutch a corner and help you so your turrets and your gun are active at once; but this has a HUGE weakness since people can just…

Literally go the other direction.

There’s so many avenues to an objective that it is never, ever the case where your three piddly pathetic turrets are going to be covering enough ground to discourage more than one avenue at a time, so…

What is the point of her???

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Lets see, more CC around, Reaper still just as strong, Hog/Zarya are stronger than back when DVA was better, Sigma’s rock is also pretty devastating to DVA. And brig is still a thing, DVA was strong in a 3/3 but there wasn’t any signs of her being great in a 2/2/2 after Brig.

Well, after this patch she can’t be the worst tank because Orisa is gonna be the worst tank.

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I mean. They could have completely reverted the GOATS nerfs and been fine. But I’ll take this and run with it for a bit

this doesnt change that the armor buffs mean that sombras back to doing pretty terrible damage

also her pick rate…really won’t increase my guy

So if Ball became meta her pickrate wouldn’t increase, not one bit?
I never stated that she’ll be picked into a meta pick but the rise of Orisa was really what dropped her pickrate in the first place and my comment are largely in comparison to Symmetra, who is right now in a worst spot than Sombra and will most likely be even worst off in a meta without shields