I can’t take the Hanzo/Zarya ult combo anymore

It is literally making me sick to my stomach to only see in the killfeed 4 to 5 times at once “Hanzo killed (insert your team here) with Dragonstrike”

And then people everywhere have the audacity to say “git gud”.

People who try and justify something like this with “git gud” should be ashamed of themselves. I pity these people who think this combo takes skill and that it shouldn’t be nerfed.

Unfortunately, the only way to nerf it would be to target Zarya since Hanzo’s ult on its own is pretty garbage.
And any nerf to Zarya would need compensation at this point.

They did nerf grav, and improved something about her charge. I don’t recall what though. ;-;

Does anyone realize that they are spelling get and good wrong?

I’m not sure if you’re just trying to play into a character or something, Ramsay, but I feel like I’ve seen a dozen threads by you just complaining about everything under the sun.

Maybe take a break from Overwatch for a while? It’s obvious you’re not enjoying yourself. There are thousands of other games out there, give some a try.

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I’d say just make the ult (the grav) not do any damage on it’s own and make it take even longer to earn.

Yes, I know it already takes a huge amount of time to get but something like this that almost guarentees a team wipe as well as forces your entire team to spread out in order to play around it (which in and of itself is super detrimental to your team’s ability to stop pushes) just demands it to be worked for even more.

For buffs, maybe give Soldier a buff on his biotic field so it can offer more durability for your team when Zen uses trans and avoid getting team wiped via dog pile from the enemy team.

Can you take junkrat grav?he doesn’t even have to ult

They do, it’s supposed to be cool and edgy :stuck_out_tongue: I think they just look childish!

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You can play around it with dva.she may be dive but when you suspect a ult in a team fight just target her so you can block it easier

It’s not cool and not edgy just makes them look half tard.


Not even a retard…

I don’t like the word. Its disrespectful lol

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And half tard isn’t?

If your being graved then just activate defense matrix cause Hanzo probably goin to ult in the next two seconds

No because retard is a term designed for the mentally/physically challenged. I would never disrespect them by putting them in the same category as an inconsiderate gamer.

Ok,then I will call people no

Or a thot idksndienw

actually its retarded means slow. it wasnt untill recently people started calling mentally disabled people retarded so dont feel too bad since you should be using it the way its meant to be used. on an idiot who doesnt know what hes doing.

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