I can almost guarantee you a PTR patch tomorrow

It would be fitting into their schedule of a balance patch every week or two. And now that they have OWL data and pro feedback about what the meta is now, I could see pushing out a patch tomorrow that’s adjusting a few heroes.

EDIT: And also, the last patch just got pushed to live suddenly tonight. It’s almost like they’re trying to make room on the PTR for another patch…


It would explain dropping the patch today like they did


Sounds reasonable to me.

I look forward to it.


I must warn you, whatever they’re going to do to Mei might be violent.

There’s no knowing what’s coming for her; it could be slap-on-the-wrist or a full gutting.


That’d make sense, Especially with the game being patched today.

With that said, I’m fully expecting Mei nerfs after her being so prevalent in the recent OWL games.

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That’s why I’ve been posting “less damaging Mei nerfs” for the past month.

For instance:

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I know, I suspect they won’t push it that hard.

I don’t play her much these days, but I have little respect for people who just want her dumpstered because she is annoying.

I suspect it will be ult charge related regardless.


And they’re doing some down time for an hour, seems to be adding up. I hope to God that we see a Mei nerf and finally mercy, Sombra, and torb buffs. Even though it’d never happen, maybe finally reworking bastion into a tank and symmetra back into a support since their characters are such messes right now.

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With the crazy amount of DPS in a 2-2-2 environment I think it’s silly to have so many damage characters when characters like bastion and Mei would be perfect in tank and sym for support (also maybe Sombra but that’d be a whole ordeal). She provides way too much utility to be a damage character and they need to nerf her regardless so switching classes is a good way to balance her

I pray it’s a full gutting

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Balance patches are pretty easy, if all you gotta do is edit SERVERCONFIG.INI.

With zero changes to OVERWATCH.EXE.

My body is ready

Throw in a Mccree fire rate revert as well and then we’ll have nearly gotten rid of damage power creep

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This is the 4th strongest iteration of McCree so the power creep is a lie regardless

Other than Launch 70 damage FtH McCree, when has he ever been stronger than now?

I would put McSniper over this iteration (and arguably launch McCree). That iteration was insane because you would get sniper duals with widow and effortlessly win.

Please no!! For the love of god tanks and supoorts have suffer enough!!!

Well then…

No patch today lol

Who in their right mind came up with this nonsense and how has it spread?

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I predict:

  • A timer where you cannot be chain frozen. Like targets gain a second of freeze immunity after breaking free to run.
  • Faster freeze decay. Targets who break contact with spray have faster rate of decay to increase time needed to be frozen.
  • Further reductions to slow effect
  • Shorter range/Spay width
  • Wall durability nerf
  • Delay in Snoball deployment after hitting the ground but added Blizzard duration (for allies to knock enemies into it)

Just some ideas