I beg, yet again, for Blizzard to -please- address smurfing

I am glad I could at least keep you informed, though I always encourage everyone to be vigilant and passionate about wanting a better game.

Now lets be clear, we all want more consistently fun games. Overwatch is not a game (that even in the highest levels of organized play) does very well though. I see the problem not so much about smurfing, but the transparency in the state of the match, and that is something the development team really does need to work on a lot more.

For example, we need better personal performance statistics to learn from. For the most part, personal performance is not used as a factor in skill rating adjustements (there is a minor influence at Platinum and lower ranks), however one can learn a lot from their own personal performance from every match. Back in 2018, some third party software developers began to come up with innovative software that could extrapolate video information from gameplay in games like Overwatch and Fortnite, and translate into really useful statistics that players could learn from. However, because some of that software did cross the line and provided that data in realtime during the course of the match, allowing player significant advantages such as predicting ultimate economy and the likes, Blizzard had no choice but to ban that kind of software. That being said, we need post-game individual match stats in the career profile that can help us identify where our own individual weaknesses are and where we can improve our own gameplay. Sure we have replays now and they are an insanely valuable tool (I spend my time between matches reviewing my replays), but I really do think the game needs to splash some cold water on everyone’s faces from time to time.

Going back to the conversation about smurfing. Yes I do think there are players out there that are abusing the game more than they should, is it really as bad of a problem as many lead to believe, I don’t think as much as others do. But that is my opinion only.