I am a "Professional" Overwatch Coach AMA!

How did you learn how to play?
Did you watch videos? did you get coached? tell us how did you improved your game?

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I think if your over-relying on any drills or trainers it isnā€™t great for you. I donā€™t think that practice range is suitable for training but you can use them for a warm up. Its because of their repetitive/slow movement that they donā€™t make good practice.
TLDR: You can use them but just not too much would prolly say never over an hour.

If you would like to go over a replay sometime I would be happy to help you out! Just msg me on discord TBoogy#6149
(Its paid so your not caught off guard)

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You did not answer :frowning:

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Do you coach for free?

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I was wondering if you could look at my stats and critique what my strength and weaknesses are?

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Lvl 31ā€¦

If that acc is your alt I dont see a point to look at stats because there is not enough to look for only in 31 levels of play.

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My main is Mochirolls ps4. Also I dont have an alt to smurf, I just wanted to see if I would place better

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Aim is something that I take a lot of pride in ,but after seeing many highlights I know my aim could be way better. How will I know if I have the perfect sensitivities and do you think the aim training gamemodes in workshop helpful


Your aim looks pretty good for a silver player, you are probably doing bad decisions or positioning mistakes.

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Can you get REPORTS out of low bronze :rofl:


LMAO, but he doesnt want to leave :smile:

He can try luck with Ethernyet


I watched a few YT videos, yes but I would probably say that practice was how I climbed. I also never got coached. I sunk hundreds of hours in to get better. Across all my accounts I am probably mid-plat border worth of XP.

I would probably say my biggest self-improvement tip is to watch for mistakes and thing ā€œWhat did you I wrong? What could I have done instead? Make sure next time I focus on doing it right.ā€

(Also the forums donā€™t let me reply unless someone else has posted, I had it all typed up)


What do you think about people leaving In game? A few days ago I played a game at Dorado and after the first round my tank left. Thankfully my team was more coordinated and skilled than the other team and finished the map too, but we soon lost in an extra round. I donā€™t know how it works in other ranks but in mine after placements if you win/lose you either gain/lose 100 Sr. After that game I lost 90. Do you think if you have a leaver you should get less SR taken off?


Iā€™d be interested into sending a video to get some major improvement suggestions. :sweat_smile:

I know movement, engaging, target prio and aim consistency are most likely the points.
But its hard for myself to get a good improved view.

Especially considering with a terrible team i tend to be garbage, while popin off on a good one.
And even here are issues in consistency.

Like there are still games lost where i play good and won where i play utterly garbage.

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No Shadow I do not. I coach as a Job so it is paid. I usually sit around $25/hr but rn Iā€™m at $15/hr. If your interested msg my discord: TBoogy#6149

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Arenā€™t you only gold? How are you a silver border in gold?

As the game ages, the basic concepts become very well understood and the gap of what determines a good or bad player widensā€¦

  1. They actually had this as a feature not too long ago where you lost less sr and gained less sr if there was a leaver in the game. Not sure why it was removed.
    Yes, I think that feature should return as I think it helped a lot.

  2. Stats arenā€™t really something you can use to tell what is wrong with someone. At most I could just say ā€œYou have bad aimā€ or ā€œYou die too muchā€ but thatā€™s about it.


They do let you quote more than one person in the same post though, so you can consolidate replies.


Not really detecting any questions here. If youā€™re interested in coaching msg me on discord TBoogy#6149 :smiley:

Iā€™m a high silver tank main, my aim is terrible so I avoid playing Hog, Dva, sometime Orisa and Zarya but will flex if neccesary. I main Rein, Sig and play Monkey and Ball if we need to dive.

I have alot of success on Sigma mainly because I can DPS and his kit is extremely strong right now, plus I have the ability to 1v1 any hero in the game with a sheild and a stun. My biggest issue is when I play Rein.

When I play rein, the option I have for peeling is limited and I feel Iā€™m eating too much damage and swinging too often afraid that if I let my sheild break we will lose so I try not to get it under 50% health. Talking about peel, I always feel the need to give up space, retreat and swing at the monkey or doomfist or genji stomping on my supports. This frustrates me as often I donā€™t know what to do when my support is being dived risk them dying so most of the time I charge back, give up space and more often than not by the time I get there my support it ded. When my support is dove, should I give space and peel or ignore it.

I need rein advice and how to improve, I really want to get out of silver and stabalize in Gold.

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