I already miss Mercy being banned

I do like moiras heal model, but it lacks what mercy has which is juggling. With moira i just get pure value constantly. I do not have to priotize one player over another because I can just heal them both at the same time. What I liked about mercy in the past was making on the spot decisions on who needed to be taken care of first with the wrong choice resulting in failure. I am aware its a small thing, but its the main reason I don’t like playing moira. She is just too easy to do well on.

I like her kit heal only focus. I would like her to have a "utility* through heals though. I always wanted her to have an answer to big pushes.

“Unmitigated heals” to activate as a “mode” where Moira cannot be stopped healing via shields, matrix, or even anti.
Nothing extra added. But more times where she can find usefulness.

But I don’t like the idea of general utility because… I like archetypes. I like widow, rein (sans steadfast) and Moira because I like having thematic representations of ideas.

A heal support is good imo

I would love a "pretty " skin to counter Mercy’s devil akin for Moira.

If she had the waifu bait look on an actual angel skin with voicelines to boot… How many people would suddenly love her?

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Most of my examples are completely gone now though. Torb still has his ult but downplayed as a cooldown and the same for Mercy, but aside from that all of what I said is straight up not in the game anymore at all. I would like to keep her damage beam too, but as I said in response to another person blizzard clearly has no intention of upping her heals without changes elsewhere or they would have done so already. IMO having rez as a cooldown was what needed to be addressed but I think that because they were insistent on not removing it they just nerfed her heal rate to gurantee her pickrate and viability to drop despite how good cooldown rez is.

Sure, if we get a healing output of 60 - 65hps and and a resurrect cast time reduction to 1s + a second charge during valk then yes (this is a joke btw)

Dont be ridiculous, damage boost is the only thing that makes valk somewhat useful (and going full Battel Angel)

So just nerf it to 20% or something. But also, her damage boost stats were pretty low when she had 60 HPS because she was used as a main healer and couldn’t afford to hard pocket all game.

Like really, the amount of damage boost on average has gone up SO much for Mercy players since the HPS nerf since she’s played like an off healer now.

Season 9, with current Mercy but 60 HPS, I had 11,533 avg healing per 10 minutes and 724 avg damage amped per 10.

Now, with 50 HPS in season 15 I had 9,523 avg healing per 10 min and 1,411 avg damae amped per 10.

The gap gets even worse in Season 18, where I had 8,323 avg healing per 10 min and 2,000 damage amped per 10 min.

I don’t think the Devs realize that the HPS nerf has made Mercy more and more become less utilized as a healer and more utilized as a pocket bot for certain heroes. When she had 60 HPS her damage boost wasn’t a heavy issue because she was a main healer with Zen or Lucio and didn’t have time to pocket so much. Now you run her with Ana just to pocket.


Me too, I like those designs you drew up and would love a casual skin for her too tbh!

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I agree that her damage would be used less if she could actually heal, but blizzard has made odd decisions with mercy despite the data in the past. Mass rez itself being an interesting one, as she was an Ftier pick at the time. The other supports just had more to offer and their ults were just plain better. Despite this it was deemed too strong anyway and then ironically she became a must pick for some time. I just have little faith in blizzard at this point to handle mercy properly. If they could she would have been corrected already but its going on what 2 years almost now that she has been just sort of bad? I’m just ready to actually be able to keep my team alive regardless of what it costs to go back to that.

The fact that you plug in your threads in anything related to it should make me annoyed, but it doesn’t for some reason… Maybe its because you actually have pretty good ideas :thinking:

I personally like this. Like , it’s literally a reverse zen.

Mercy is a micromanager and I don’t know why people insist it’s so bad.

:flushed::flushed: I’ve been noticed

I mean…yes :star_struck:

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Idk, I feel like she was honestly a better micromanager before the HPS nerf. You’d play her as a main support and have to ping-pong around all game from person to person to keep them alive, rapidly swap to damage boost on Hog hooks or Junkrat’s mines or Genji shruikens (this was before they changed damage boost to no longer be reactive) or on ults, back to healing to peel for Zen, back up to Soldier to damage boost him to help him get his ult charge, etc. I had like muscle memory of flicking to damage boost whenever my DPS shot/etc. but now it’s kind of the reverse.

Nowadays, at least in GM, it’s like…stand next to Pharah or Ashe or Widow and right click them :frowning: I guess the most unfun part to me isn’t necessarily damage boosting them but being encouraged to stay with one person all game and not take advantage of her mobility which is, for me, the fun part of her kit.

Yes they were all very very very very nice :stuck_out_tongue: I liked how each outfit highlighted their personas!


I miss when Moira and Ana were banned. having the two most-picked healers gone was a freaking fantastic week.

Now i’m back to being bullied to play either of them.

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For sure. But, her playstyle more…demands it now. So it’s better shown as a strength.

It’s why I don’t want her to revert to heals personally. It doesn’t. Highlight her strengths imo

I do try

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Damage boost is literally useless to me so idc about giving it up either.

Also nice bait battletag OP.

Because only being regulated to healing and flying around to do more healing is such good character design.
Why should that be all she offers when she’s not even that good at it?


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I Fixed it for you :slight_smile:

Idc if rez went either tbh, I need ingrates and entitled pricks to stop asking for them.