I’ve completely ran out of hope

I’m pretty sure the devs here have seen me again and again, and I’m sorry for being such a pain, but I have to address this. I’ve tried time after time to play OW on ps5. But I can’t due to impossible latency spikes up almost to 2000 ping. My connection is stable, a wired connection isn’t an option for me, moving my router closer to my console isn’t an option, PS5 doesn’t have a web browser so I can’t do any Looking Glass tests, I’ve tried pretty much anything anyone has recommended me, and still nothing. Is it my PS5? Is it because the servers may not have been updated for PS5 support? I don’t know what to do.

Ping spikes have nothing to do with your PS5 or the servers. The issue will either be local where your wireless will spike due to issues with your router, or ISP. Google Fiber, for example, gave out wireless routers that would spike every 45 seconds almost exactly like you described. I had to get my own hardware to fix that issue.

It could also be other people on your wireless network hogging the bandwidth. 4k netflix over a non-modern wireless connection or anybody using torrents or downloading constantly will cause issues here. It could just be your ISP. You can test this with your phone even with any number of apps that will do a constant ping. So get an app on your phone or just look how to ping from a PC if you have one.

If you can’t get closer to your router, buy a wireless router extender. I have one in my basement that joins my wireless network and amplifies it for the devices that need it down here.

You have a bunch of options. But Blizzard cannot help you with any of your issues. It’s going to be one of the things I described.

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