I’ve been suspended

I’ve been suspended for leaving games, but it’s due to the constant glitching and I’m getting kicked out, it’s unfair that I’m getting suspended for this reason, it’s clear to see in the replays that I am glitched out, could my account be cleared of those game leaves, cause I won’t be able to play again until the glitching stops… so upset rn :sob:


Glitch or home internet blips? typically the game doesnt auto ban if there is a single issue, or even one over say… a week. but it sounds like this has happened much more or a ban wouldnt happen. offer codes to support your case, but im sure they will look into why there was a leave “user cancel vs internet”, but keep in mind, penalties are harsh for each, some would say not harsh enough. Backfill due to a leave causes tons of issues on its own. Either way, it should be at least examined again by a human to be sure…

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My internet is fine, I’ve done the connection checks and turned it off and on… I’m just glitching in the game, and I’ve been suspended after 2 leaves for an hour, but I’m worried if I play again I’ll be suspended for ages lol. I’m not sure if blizzard sees these posts or is there another way of speaking to them? Thanks for your reply

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Linking my post in case you would like to read more about this issue Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Competitive Match Disconnection And Temporary Ban.