I’m out. Byeeee

Yes you’ve heard it a million times before. The post is pretty pointless but I need to draw a line and move on.

I hate OW2. Every change they’ve made is bad. The new maps and heroes are meh. They’ve ruined the support role, they’ve made tanks into beefy DPS and 5v5 has no structure.

The issues which exist with Overwatch 1 and which have already driven a lot of players away don’t seem to be seen as problems at all (queue times, bad matchmaking, toxicity). In fact they seem to have made these worse with a toxicity inducing scoreboard nobody needed, bringing over MMR from the old game (same bad matchmaking I assume too), and increasing queue times by making the least popular role make up 40% of the team.

Yes, these issues could be fixed. But it’s the fact that they don’t see them as problems in the first place which is the biggest issue. And I don’t think that can be fixed.

I also don’t like the approach they are already taking to micro-transactions. No thank you for players who have stuck around and supported their current game for so long. Instead a big FU pay us $40 to test our free to play game. Yes I paid to access it, yes I’m an idiot.

I’m a support main and I like the structure and order that Overwatch had. I wasn’t great at the game but that’s ok, I knew what I was supposed to do to be valuable to the team and I didn’t need some crazy amount of skill and reflexes to pull it off. I just had to stay focused and play smart. I feel like this is what set Overwatch apart from other online shooters. But with OW2 that play style is gone.

Maybe I’m just not the target audience anymore. Maybe to attract a new generation it needs to be a million miles an hour and in your face all the time. But I’m out guys. Sorry if your queue times have jumped a couple more seconds with the loss of another support main (I’m pretty sure I won’t be the only one).

I think I’m just too old for this. Maybe I’ll stick to single player games from now on.

Byeeeee :wave:


Play Dodonpachi. I hope you have fun with whatever future you do.

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Regarding Q times and matchmaking I definitely agree!

See you next week


Just got a refund on the Watchpoint Pack. Luckily as the Beta was free and listed as a separate product it didn’t count as me having “played” the Watchpoint pack so I was able to claim a refund from the PS Store. :slight_smile:


It’s disappointing that I can’t think of any positive changes worth really looking forward to in ow2. I was mostly hyped about cc reduction and a scoreboard. But even those things seem underwhelming to me now. For cc reduction I feel like they overdid it to a point it may not even be an improvement at all or possibly worse than ow1. And the scoreboard although it exists seems pretty lacking in detail. So I have low overall expectations as well.

I agree there are a lot of things to put into the “meh” column. A lot of things to put into the unsure or potentially horrible column. But pretty much nothing to put into the “this will definitely be a big improvement” column.

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also posted " Finally given up on this trash game " ? 12 months ago


Nice. How many hours did you have played of the game? Seems generous of them.

Also do you know is it necessary to have PS plus to play it?

Yep. I’ve given up a few times for various reasons and always come back to it. But I think it’s for good this time. The replies to that other thread are correct though. I still hate the game yet I’ve added another 1000+ hours in those 12 months. It’s like a drug. Blizzard ruining their own game will probably be a good thing for me.

About 10 I think. As far as PS are concerned the Watchpoint Pack is an add-on for a game which doesn’t release until October. You have 14 days to claim a refund on items which you’ve not played. The Beta is a separate application and is listed as free on the store.

I wonder if you can buy it, claim access to the beta, get a refund and then still be able to access the beta?


I think they really needed to be bolder, and needed to make paradigm shifting changes to the game, much more so than just eliminating a tank role and other relatively minor changes. The game play loop is so incredibly stale at this point that I think OW2 maybe should’ve been no more 60-70% of the OW1 experience, with that 30-40% being innovation and a creative pivot away from the overly-familiar, tired experience of OW.

I booted up the game one day, and while I was waiting in queue, I literally thought about how awful it would be to do the SAME THING even more time, to play the same hero even once more, to see the same maps even one more time. I shut off the game midway through the queue , uninstalled on the spot and haven’t played since. That was maybe 3-4 months ago. OW1 is like listening to a song you liked over and over until one day it does absolutely nothing for you and you’d be fine literally never hearing it again.

How they could’ve let things get to this level of stagnation and punishing monotony for their playerbase is a question for the ages.

I have zero – zero desire to play this game again. I’m sure I’m not alone, and this was probably a major factor in making the game F2P. I see OW2 gameplay and I think: this is 95% the same game. And even if it isn’t, the fact that it comes off that way is a problem.

Your opinion and feelings toward the game are valid. If it’s not fun to you it’s not fun.

I personally love the switch to 5v5, I played mostly tank for the first game and am loving the power up for the solo tank. The reduction in cc is so refreshing instead of getting stun locked by 5 different stuns.

I’ve never liked dps but have been having a good time on characters like genji and tracer who feel so much better without the heavy cc. I feel more rewarded for doing tank like things on dps and less punished.

Support is a little more stressful but I like some of the changes (not a big mercy player but the ga changes were bad). Zen feels good with the kick and more hp. Brig can fly around the map with shield bash. Landing big antis with ana is easier without another tank. If anything this version of the game has made me more aggressive on support to do damage to try and push pressure off me. I do think not releasing the new support with this beta was a big L and could have really evened up the long que times and given supports something to have with nothing new since bap.

The watchpoint pack is not really that bad of a deal, it’s just not an immediate deal. It’s not $40 for beta access. It gives you the first battle pass and $20 of in game currency which you can use to buy subsequent battlepasses and some exclusive skins for overwatch 2, and the legendary edition of overwatch if you didn’t already own it. On top of this you are guaranteed beta access. So if the skins and overwatch 1 are worthless to you it’s at most $10 for beta access. This is by no means require to be purchased. The game will be free to play on October 4, which is a huge win. You can also still get access to the beta it’s just not for sure. You can still not like them squeezing the beta access into this package but it’s not $40 to play an incomplete game and that’s all you get. If you still don’t like it that’s a valid opinion but call a spade a spade.

Also it will give access to subsequent betas so if there is another beta before launch which there likely will be to test and balance the new support, you get for sure access to that.

If you’ve ever played open queue and one of your tanks left the game and the other tank was Hog or Winston, then everyone fed their brains out and ignored the supports when they needed help. It’s basically that.

One single good thing was the ping system. Although I’m not sure it actually really worked as I could see my own pings, but I couldn’t see anyone elses. So if they could see mine or not was anyones guess.

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Guess you weren’t here for the peak of OW, when Zen/Lucio were meta and before Brig ruined the game.

I’m sorry you can’t afk behind two shields and healbot anymore. :frowning:


I think a few seasons before RQ maybe, I can’t remember. Was before Brig though.

I don’t AFK behind shields, but I played support to support the team. I don’t want to fight the enemy. That’s the main reason I played OW over any other online game, in-fact it was the only online FPS I’ve ever played. I think there are a lot of support mains who enjoy that gameplay style. It’s a shame that seems to be gone with OW2 as a lot of those support mains will disappear with it.

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I am glad we are going away from the no brain requiring Double Shield Zen Brig meta, its been both frustrating and boring to play against.

In the end the game is an FPS game, you have to shoot and fight people. Its literally why Mercy is a fundamental issue to the game, she is literally the only hero in the game who doesn’t require mechanical skill and 100% relies on teammates.

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Can I have your stuff?

Well…. One of a couple issues.

  • Damage boost needs to just be straight up removed.
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You forgot to mention smurfs. They’re what ultimately drove me away from Overwatch and Blizzard’s unwillingness/inability to do anything about them is what’s kept me away.