How would you fix Overwatch?

-> Can Mystery Deathmatch.
-> Harsher punishments for toxicity (xQc was permabanned from League of Legends. Let that sink in)
-> Do not listen to the “statisticians” when it comes to balance.

I think deleting doomfist will be huge first step forward to new great overwatch.

Been saying the same thing since day one: Give bronze players a fair chance to win. Put them vs. other bronze players instead of other pro god level skill players.

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just accept its a 222 game and add roleQ.
remove sr “SKILL rating” gain/loss tied to win/loss, win just gives a bonus multiplier.
Add more main tanks and main healers. No more dps/offtank/heal until then.

Also a detection system of any kind for throwers/trolls.

New regular comics, animated shorts;

New NEW content. For example, completely new gamemodes and/or new gamemodes for qp/comp;

Regular balance changes;

Map editor/creator and way more options to game browser;

Heavier punishments to toxicity;

More active development team.

I would change the penalty for points deducted if someone leaves a comp battle and forces a loss. because it happens too often, and it’s very unfair for those that join to compete.

I always say maybe let people have at least 10 hours on at least one characters in each category before allowing them to play comp would help alot. Yes, it may take alot of time but on the good side it reduces the chance of people been absolutely incapable at taking certain roles when absolutely required, also siginificantly reduce smurf and alt accounts.

And maybe also allow players to pick one hero (from the 10+ hrs one, so if you don’t satisfy the 10 hour threshold you cannot list it) from each role that they are happy to play in comp and make that public in comp. I was the very first to suggest private profile and certainly think public is a bad idea, but I wouldn’t mind people seeing those options made by myself.

An quick example, I have 10+ hours on Ana, Lucio, Rein, Hog, Sym, Mei, and Bas. I can choose to enlist Sym, Ana and Rein, so people can see these three choice of mine.

  • new maps more frequently
  • dev streams frequently (answering questions of the community)
  • improving events with new content
  • make an arcade mode with role-q
  • more challenges and daily quests
  • more skins with unique voicelines

No such thing.
Instead just keep adding more characters with little foresight as to how they’ll affect the overall game.

this game have some serious troubles that are not easy to fix, first is the lack of flexibility every hero is designed to counter another else they fit in a space with the adition of new hero this become a mess and with the adition of heroes that make multiple roles the balance is more broken. paladins have a interesting approach with their card sistem.
then we have the game as esport, blizard change the game to please a minority ignoring the millions of players they claim play this game, with this they are changing the game in something to watch not for play(how many heroes are ignored because they are not popular with pros.?) because this i dont consider esports as a real sport, how many sports change the rules because their players?, i can imagine the soccer being changed due the players dont like kick round balls.

They might change their mind so who knows.

Maybe I have a different approach to their balance?
I’ve looked back at my gameplay footage and my ability to be aware is pretty good.
The reason I suggested those changes is because “some” come across as too simple and lack depth… but hey you’re a tracer main by the looks of it so go figure I guess.

From what Jeff said it’s an internal issue where people argue over it so they don’t change it. We don’t want to make it competitive but reduce the one sided chaotic out comes, because the general rule is “the first team to get 2 Orisas, supports and a normal DPS wins”. It’s a fun mode but it has a ton of blue balling.

From a recent interview I’ve read they have a system in place that tries to keep you in your rank so if you don’t perform better you will be stuck.
Not to mention I’ve documented my competitive games and it was 50/50 until the last few games went into a back and forth.

Plus we don’t know how specifically their system works but from what I’ve seen and read it’s a mixed bag. Also we don’t know what the MMR is since it is hidden.
We can’t see the numerical value or values and how the MMR is calculated so atm it’s a huge guess if its a numerical value or a collection of values.

Not to mention the system gives you SR based on how well everyone did not how well you did.

So yeah the forced 50/50 thing is a possibility but that myth or “coincidental fact”
will be a thing until they show us the whole picture.

I’m offering a simple several values comparison match maker with no moments to carry or be carried.

No no I mean if you don’t want long wait times to get near perfect games you have the option to get a game where you’re outmatched or not.

Repeating myself: if someone leaves nobody will lose or gain SR, the only thing the winners will gain is comp points, those things used to unlock golden weapon models.

I’m suggestion they lose more for leaving and for every leave they lose 50 SR more so you lose 100 SR and then 150 and then 200 giving you a maximum SR loss of 450SR with a season ban on top.

//Throws them under a bus
//get a better provider
Seriously the amount of times that has happened is annoying.
This happened to me while I was playing in a tournament and my team almost lost due to someone having a technical issue.

I still give some people a chance but the moment you hit your maximum it stays there for 5 years. I mean their perma ban is like some kind of way to have them buy another copy of OW or something…

OG is slang for “Original Gangster” or “Original”.
So it’s “Original Watch” a game mode that’s OW but its the release version.

Fair enough.

Will be a lot better for the community if you think about it.
Not to mention a naturally grown competitive community sounds a lot
better than OWL.
Besides why make guilds or any of that stuff when you could just hop into that server you like with common faces… or voices.

I just made an entire thread (“playing 5v6 is no fun…”) on this exact topic.

You can’t “fix” Overwatch. People have complained about things in the game since day one. It’s flawed from the ground up and would require drastic reworks that I doubt are going to happen. Or if they do, I will likely be gone to another game by the time Blizzard gets around to them in 5 years.

Every time the tank pushes the “group up” button it physically pulls any team mate who is insistent on trickling to a spot behind the tank. No limits no cool down. Every time some one forgets to take their ridlin this simple change will fix it.
Can’t force team mates to push tab and see oh they’re up by three I should wait for the team. So this.

I think role queue is the lesser of 2 evils. Sure their are problems with it but it does make for more enjoyable games when you can play the role you want to without sacrificing team comp for it. Also the report system is highly abused in the middle elos. You get reported for everything. Whoever that mercy person was if 90% of your reports are for abusive chat maybe the problem is you just as much as them. Reporting someone for asking for a heal or asking if someone can switch should not be encouraged. Many people have been reported for this. I even had an account banned due to a false report. Someone told all chat to report me for racism because I said I would not play mercy for their 4 stack. Instant ban after that game. Only thing I said all game was that I am not playing mercy for them.

I gave up on that a long time ago xD

I just want more content. lol

Sorry for necro bump. I was too busy farming lootboxes. ^^

i would remove brigitte and moira, then buff orisa and hog