How would you fix Overwatch?

Any ideas?
At this point it’s just a pain to play it, sadly.

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Remove Doomfist?
Ez fix


Harder bans on quitters.
Other than that it’s great.


Complete competitive overhaul! It’s been 12 seasons! Solo que only in gm+ Maybe even masters. Some sort of autodetect m&k users on consoles. Faster balancing. Harder punishment for leavers or throwers.


Why do you want me to be forced to stop playing?

Another thing they could do is add a minimum of 100 levels to play in comp to reduce the amount of smurfs.


People want a better “competitive environment” in gm+. They don’t like being in games with a four stack of t500 vs 3 masters. I think the solo que only would help with that matchmaking issue it’s just a thought. Never gonna happen anyways.

This might hurt newer players. Perhaps if someone’s already made an account on your IP you have these restrictions put in place.


Overhaul Brig, Doomfist, and Hammond to make them less dependent on CC. Rebalance DPS so mobility isn’t king and hitscans aren’t bad.


Oh boy where do I begin… this list is going to be HUGE…so I will keep it simple, little details and explanations will be left out so deal with it (and it’s half assed so again, sorry).

Rework the FOV to be adjustable vertically up to 120.
Add a fallen ally objective marker opacity, style and size option.
Add viewmodel options (mini mode, disable, FOV, positioning etc)
More crosshair options (X, chevron, diamond etc)
Mini-hud mode and different HUD styles or a HUD editor.
Reanimate McCree’s flash bang to match the technical function.

Damage fall off starts at 7.5 meters instead of the 10 or 11 or 15 meters
She can no longer blink through enemies.
HP increased to 170

Add a delay to upper cut to slow down his kit.
Reanimate his slam animation to be more simple and less wacky.
When upper cutting someone they fly above you, so you have to actually move your crosshair to shoot them.
OR rework his kit/ remove him shrugs

When shield is active he has CC resistance (this one will be long so I won’t go in depth, sorry).
Fire strike no longer goes through barriers.

Shield bash does not work against rocket punch or charge but if a charing rein is bashed from the sides he will be booped a tiny bit away.
Shield bash has more range for mobility but stun range is 2 meters.
When shield gets hit by a fire strike she will be pushed back and the shield takes 90dmg instead of 75.

Deflect now has depth.
Mei’s secondary fire is nullified.
Reinhard’s hammer will be parried once.
Fire strike will break deflect and will cause 50% damage to genji
Can not deflect the new molten core.
Deflecting a mei ult will not make it work against the enemy but will fly further away by a small margin (Snowball is loyal).

SMG is now a burst weapon, rip ghetto blaster.

Can activate shields while in ball form.

Has a pellet pattern since he is a dedicated shotgun user, more consistency.

I’ve done some posts about her but to play it safe here…
Healing buffed to 56 hp per second, while ulting it goes up to 60hp per second
if she is healing a main target, chained targets receive 50 or 55 hp per second.

Rez removed, introducing health buff (it’s basically how brigs E works but instead of giving armor it gives you decaying HP for 1 target IF your beam is connected. Decaying starts when you disconnect).

Mystery heroes
stacking heroes is limited to 2.
If you die but spawn as the same hero you keep your ult charge.
Hero types are limited to 2 (no more 5 tanks, no more 4 dps and no more 6 supports).

Forced “50/50” removed, you are matched with players of similar SR and stats at all times, the system will no longer try and guess what rank you should belong in.
You have the option to not play in games that are seriously out of balance so if you want to have a game of plats and masters vs masters and a bronze then go ahead and tick that box if you don’t want to wait.

If one or more players leave a comp. game nobody will lose or gain SR but you have to play the game until it ends. Winning team gains comp points while the losing team does not. The leaver(s) will lose a lot of SR and will be banned for the whole season if they leave 3 times. If you get banned two times in a row then you will be banned for 1.5 seasons and any more you max out to a 2 season ban.

oh boy what else…

More maps, maybe have players make maps as some kind of community contest.

Actually make the game work for those 21:9 users.
Add in OGWatch game mode.

Scrap arcade’s “game of the day/week” stuff and make a all games available while making the menu UI a bit better to deal with a laundry list of arcade modes.

Add an actual scoreboard while keeping the current one for viewing the enemy team or we rework the whole thing into something slick simple yet detailed.
You can only view how your team is doing so RIP MUH GOLD MEDALZ excuses, we can see who has them and for what.
Actually add in dedicated servers for a better community exp.
I’m running out of steam…


These are very nice changes and I’d love to see these changes for OW, thank you ^^

Role queue remove medals from the game remove all reports that are not throwing or cheating. Have a separate 6 stack comp queue and sr system. Make the sr system a steady ramp from most players being in lower elos and less and less people as you go up instead of most people in the middle elos and less people in lower and higher elos.

Changing the blizz overwatch staff

  • Weekly PTR builds of wildly different balancing for fun. At this point the PTR is just a courtesy holding zone for patches about to go out, the amount of actual testing of stuff they’re unsure will even work is about 0%

  • Daily and weekly quests besides the single ‘get 9 arcade wins’. Even Battleborn and Paladins beat Overwatch on this by miles

  • Access to old PVE modes year round, and a new pve thing every holiday

  • Map voting

  • Viewable animated shorts and comics IN-GAME

  • Official polls every few months that all players can participate in about what they want to see fixed/changed/new heroes etc

  • Bring back tiny features that were only beneficial and make them OPTIONAL like the top 5 most played heroes chart in social menu (p key). Why did they outright REMOVE this??? Please just bring it back and make it optional like profiles

there has to be a better way to stop smurfs. we have to approach the problem from a “free to play” perspective. How do we stop smurfs if they can have as many accounts as they want?

Everyone’s “favorite”. Role Que for Competitive Mode .

lose the heavy focus on e-sports and comp to help the other gamemodes which are riddled with hackers or smurfs, better match making 4 star lvl 20 bronze should never be place against lvl 60 3 star platinum players, nerf or rework characters that promote toxic play styles like junkrat and pharah the hide wipe team repeat its not fun to fight it feel cheap to play, make it so the cosmetics are easier to earn seriously needing to drag through 20+ matches to earn one loot box that has all greys and a player icon is not worth the head ache.

and add a permanent PvE mode that can also earn you items cause if you’re not gonna fix the other modes give us an alternative to the hack fest or toxic barrel mode.

I would put up security cameras, then we wont need to Overwatch

The game is great. It’s the community that’s the problem. I’d crack down harder on in-game toxicity. Abusive chat, false reporters, and throwers and such need more resources dedicated to them. It’s unfortunate because those are all resources that COULD go into the game itself if people weren’t horrible. It’s gotten better in the last year, but that’s what I’d pick if I had to pick something to work on.

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The Archives event fixes everything as long as it involves Blackwatch/Talon.