How would you fix Bastion

Reduce his spread, make almost all of his health armor and give him a mini shield

Alright, fine buff Bastion then, but don’t be surprised when NO ONE wants to play TANK. I bet you’re gonna complain about that too.

Lower the spread on sentry, some tweaks to ironclad, more armor in sentry or tank (not both), faster projectile speed on tank mode,

Idk that are some ideas I would try and see how they would work.

Buffing him wouldn’t make him a must pick against tanks. One of the main reasons his pickrate is so low is because people don’t like his playstyle, which is fine. Tanks won’t instantly be unplayable just because Bastion got a little better.

Also, Bastion’s job is (supposed to be) anti-tank, so he should be scary to tanks